Jupiter throws its influence on transit Saturn till 4 November
2014 as its transit in Cancer makes it located in the tenth house
from Libra. The conclusion is drawn on the principle that any
planet located in 10th house from a particular planet would
influence the latter from its position.
Mars will receive Jupiters influence while transiting in
Libra from 15 July to 4 September, 2014. From 4 September to 18
October 2014, from 28 November 2014 to 4 January 2015 and from 12
February to 23 March 2015, Mars will receive the aspect of
Jupiter, while transiting in Scorpio, Capricorn and Pieces
Sun will associate with Jupiter in Cancer from 17 July to 17
August 2014.
From 17 October to 16 November 2014, from 17 November to 16
December 2014, from 15 January to 14 February 2015 and from 15
March to 14 April 2015, Sun will come under the influence of
Jupiter, while transiting in Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pieces
From 29 July to 12 August 2014, Mercury will associate with
Jupiter in Cancer.
From 24 November to 13 December 2014, from 1 January to 8 March
2015, and from 28 March to 12 April 2015, Mercury will receive the
aspect of Jupiter, while transiting in Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn
and Pieces respectively.
From 8 August to 31 August 2014. Venus will associate with
Jupiter in Cancer.
From 19 October to 11 November 2014, from 12 November to 6
December 2014, from 31 December 2014, to 22 January 2015 and from
16 February to 13 March 2015, Venus will receive the influence of
Jupiter while transiting in Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pieces
Jupiter, the planet of value, wealth and spirituality, enters its exaltation sign Cancer on 19 June 2014 bringing copious amounts of grace in general to most of those who are under a strong Jupiters positive influence in their natal charts. Representing the characteristic of an expanding universe and the visible heavens, Jupiter stands as a planet of divine grace. Since no other planet is assigned as many positive and good characteristics as Jupiter in Vedic astrology, its entry into its exaltation sign is not without significance for individuals.
Jupiter is the second slow-moving physical planet after Saturn and its transit affects in a sign always depend on its establishing relationships with other planets through association or aspect during its transit. The basic rule of transit predictions for Jupiter that it gives favourable results to a person while transiting in houses 2, 5, 7, 9 and 11 from his / her natal Moon should never be taken for granted on its face value as the results would be restricted or altered by Vedha positions of other planets transits and its Ashtaka Varga benefic dots. The transit predictions given for Jupiter in the ancient texts must therefore be read with regard to its transit aspects and its changing relationships with other planets, which come under its influence during its sojourn in its exaltation sign.
For example, going by the basic rule, Jupiters transit in the first house from the natal Moon is supposed to give adverse results. Now, assume that Jupiter is transiting in Aries. If you adopt the basic principle to your transit prediction blindly, all natives having their natal Moon in Aries should experience the same adverse results. When Jupiter moves into the sign Taurus, all those having Taurus as their Janma Rasi should experience the same results again, as in the previous case. This contradicts the basic predictive principles of Vedic astrology. Hence, transitory aspects and associations, Ashtakavarga benefic dots, transitory Yogas and other predictive basics must be considered for attaining minimum accuracy of transit study. A sincere effort is made here in this respect.
The intensity of the transit results, good or bad, would, however, depend on the benefic dots obtained in the sign Cancer in your Jupiter Ashtakavarga chart. If the benefic points are less than four, you are in for some considerable trouble. But, if you find more than four benefic dots, your problems may be minimized.
Besides influencing the sign Cancer and the house hosted by it, Jupiters transit in Cancer brings under its influence the Natural Zodiacs 8th sign Scorpio, 10th sign Capricorn and its own sign Pisces through its 5th, 7th and 9th aspects respectively.
Predictions and
Remedies for individuals of 12 Rasis |
: As lord of 9th and 12th signs of the Natural Zodiac
and also as lord of the 9th and 12th houses from your Moon sign,
Jupiter will show most of its adverse impact on all issues
including father, children, spiritual matters, religious
practices, long distance journeys and your investments. Personal : Between 10 July and 9 August of 2014, when Jupiter gets combust, you will hear a bad news from close relatives or friends from long distance, causing you grief and dismay. Finance and profession : Jupiters aspect on the 10th sign Capricorn2 expressing the natural characteristic of Karma reveals that you may undergo professional setbacks with loss of job or your position being undermined during the first half of the Jupiters transit in Cancer. Your habits and your health : The fitness or lack of resistance of your body stems from your habits. Jupiters aspect on the 8th sign Scorpio may not generally cause physical harm to your body. But alcohol-addicts and smokers will face occasions that would bring mental agony. Women and their relations : The first half of the year will bring about new friends of long distance and familiarity with unknown faces. Keep a close watch on their movements, before you decide to make friends with them. Students and job-seekers : If you are seeking campus recruitment or taking competitive examinations, the transit will bring you disappointment during its first half. Aswini natives will have lesser impact of the adverse affects of Jupiters transit in Cancer, as their lord Ketu would transit in Pisces, receiving the aspect of Jupiter. Bharani natives will come in contact with members of the opposite sex. Those already having such relations would develop misunderstandings with them. Krittika (1) natives will suffer in their relations with Government agencies or officials. Some of them may lose legal battles, if any, or attract legal hurdles in their professions. Vedic Remedies: Recite Guru Stothra 12 times a day, during the morning-hours after bath. Recitation during Sunrise would make the divine planet answer your prayers. Lal-kitab Remedies : Not to disclose your financial problems to others. Read Vishnu Sahasranaam daily for prosperity. |
: People having Taurus as their Janma Rasi will find
the going tough. Failures, disappointments, useless journeys,
setbacks in profession will haunt you. All your new projects
will be delayed. Personal life : Between 7 August 2014 and 10 July 2015. You may get separated from your near and dear ones. Frequent travels may not yield tangible results. Change of activity will cause you mental anxiety and make you depressed at home. Finance and profession : Stress on finances, especially during the first fortnight of August 2014, will surface, making deeper holes on your bank balances. You may be forced to spend money on hospital bills of a person close to you. Nothing untoward is foreseen on the professional front. Your habits and your health : You will long for the company of friends and relatives to source your happiness. The sick will not find any relief. There is a chance of your adventurous activity, resulting in some sort of injuries to your body. Women and their relations : Most of the women will find their relations going down to the lowest ebb around 6 February 2015. Those who want to tie the knot will feel disappointed, as there wouldnt be any progress in their efforts. Students and job-seekers : Students taking examinations between 20 June and 7 August 2014 will taste success. However, those taking the examinations during the second half of 2014 and the first half of 2015 will not fare well. Krittika (2, 3, 4) natives will develop adverse relations with colleagues, cousins or neighbours. Secret troubles will increase during the period. Rohini natives will find their financial problems mounting, as revenues would be on the wane after 10 August 2014. Mrigasira (1, 2) natives are the blessed ones during the period, as they would be burdened with the least of the adverse affects of Jupiter transit. Vedic Remedies: Mindful and concentrated worship of Lord Shiva in the same temple again and again would help mitigate the seriousness of the transit efforts. Lal-kitab Remedies : Gift sweets to little girls occasionally. Read Durga stothra daily to ward off troubles. |
- Mrigasira (3, 4), Arudra, Punarvasu (1, 2, 3) |
: Jupiters aspect on the 6th, 8th and 10th
houses from your Moon sign Gemini will work as a big booster to
your profession and finances. All those who lost name, fame,
recognition and their finances earlier will find it easy to
regain them. If your Jupiter Ashtaka Varga chart shows more than
4 benefic dots in Cancer, then the relief will be immense and
huge. Personal : Life looks happier for all those who value their love and family. People disturbed by strain in relations will get back what they lost. Finance and Career: Jupiter in Cancer will take you to greater heights in your profession. Change of profession for the better is in the offing. Supplementary sources of income will also be abundant, especially during the second fortnight of July 2014, between 4 September and 18 October 2014, 28 November 2014 and 4 January 2015 and also between 12 February 12 and 23 March 2015. Your habits and your health: All those having a strong Jupiter in their charts will find themselves in good health. Spiritual appetite will keep you inquisitive and you will make more rounds of temples and religious places. Women and their relations: Jupiters transit in Cancer will be blissful for all women who were born in Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces ascendants; all their wishes being fulfilled. Students and job-seekers: Students having a strong Jupiter in their charts will flourish and succeed in academic career. Those trying to settle down with a good job will also succeed, ending the years of search. Mrigasira (3, 4) natives will end legal disputes in their favour after 10 August 2014 and unite with the near and dear ones. Arudra natives will come out of the secret sorrows and make headways in their profession in a new environment. Punarvasu (1, 2, 3,) natives will find all the happiness in the world with the abundance of opportunities at their disposal. Vedic Remedies: Recital of or listening to Vishnu Sahasranama on Wednesdays and Fridays will boost up all the good things happening to you. Lal-kitab Remedies : Not to trade in Gold. Donate food to the poor every Thursday. |
CANCER (Kataka) Punarvasu ( 4), Pushya, Aslesha |
: Jupiters transitin your Moon sign Cancer, its
exaltation sign, doesnt provide any immunity from the
transit ill effects. However, for those having higher benefic
dots (Bindus) in the Cancer sign of their Jupiter Ashtakavarga
charts, the negative effects would be lesser, compared to those
having the dots below 4. Personal life : Relations with elders, dear ones and children would be the most to suffer during the transit. You will feel neglected by children and spouse. Your efforts at fulfilling your dream of buying property will come to naught, as there would be no financial support. Finance and profession : Settling of financial issues will fail at the eleventh hour. Natives of Leo and Aquarius ascendants will suffer most financially due to failures in undertakings. Those who are away from home-city at a long distance will be the worst-affected. Your habits and your health : Sick persons of Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, and Libra (ascendants) nativity will find some recovery from illnesses, while others may develop recurring health problems and may have to see doctors. Women and their relations : Efforts of working women to have change of place or to move long distance will only produce partial results. Girls of Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo (ascendants) nativities, having higher benefic dots (Bindus) in Cancer sign of their Jupiter Ashtakavarga charts, will tie the marital knot. Students and job seekers : Students of Aries, Virgo and Pisces ascendants, especially those pursuing medical, pharmaceutical and Para-medical courses, will make a mark in their academic career. Job-seekers will find the period dry. Punarvasu(4) natives will fail to make use of the opportunities that surround them, thereby halting their progress. Pushya natives will turn highly spiritual and may undertake long-distance pilgrimages or pleasure trips with family members. Aslesha natives will be silent sufferers of the adverse transit of Jupiter. Those who stay long distance away from home will feel lonely. Vedic Remedies: Visit any Sakti temple on a Full Moon day coinciding with Sundays or Mondays, and offer prayers to seek solace from multitude of problems. Lal-kitab Remedies : Not to wear rosary of beads around your neck. Take a dip in a holy river. |
- Makha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni (1) |
: Transit Jupiter in Cancer in the 12th house from
your natal Moon sign Leo would cause adverse results on your
domestic front, health and profession. There may also be legal
troubles, contributing to your mental agony. Those having no
benefic dots (Bindus) in the Cancer of Jupiter Ashtakavarga
chart will face accidents or serious health hazards. Personal life : You are likely to hear some bad news about your mother. Health concerns of your children will be a source of mental agony. Life looks miserable, as your family problems are likely to be multiplied making you run of happiness. Finance and profession : You will be under severe pressure to dispose off your acquired ancestral property to meet the immediate needs of your children. Lingering pending issues with your colleagues will bring disgrace. Those looking to have a change will have to wait. Your habits and your health : Your trips to attend to your secret affairs will be a source for serious health hazards or major accidents. New friends will try to exploit you to the hilt, on an alien land. Women and their relations : Issues with life-partner will come to the fore, leading to legal separation in case of couples troubled with strained relations. Those looking forward to tie the knot will have to wait, to end their search for a worthy life-partner. Women having live-in partnerships will strain relations. Students and job seekers : Students and job-seekers waiting to grab opportunities abroad will end their search. Those pursuing studies and seeking careers on the home turf will also succeed in their efforts. Makha natives, especially those working in new or foreign locations, will be troubled by unrest in conjugal life. Purva Phalguni natives will find encouragement from friends, neighbours and cousins in their pursuits. Uttara Phalguni (1) natives, dealing with Government officials, will find their clout going down; try to establish new contacts. Vedic Remedies: Continuous worship of Lord Shiva at a particular temple will be helpful. Regular recital of Aditya Hridayam at dawn will heighten your confidence levels, in adverse circumstances. Lal-kitab Remedies : Donate a handful of solid Turmeric in any temple on the first Thursday of Waxing Moon (Shukla Paksha). Wear Yellow clothes to attract good luck. |
- Uttaraphalguni (2, 3, 4), Hasta and Chitra (1, 2) |
: As lord of the 9th and 12th signs of the Natural
Zodiac and also as lord of the 4th and 7th houses from your
natal Moon, Jupiter will make you happy on issues relating to
your father, children, spiritual matters, religious practices,
your habits and long distance journeys. Personal life : Your efforts to find a life-partner will succeed boosting up your personal life. If you are already married, you will get rejuvenation with the birth of a child bringing all round happiness. Finance and profession : Financial position will abundantly improve with contributions from children. Professionals will attract new projects and assignments. Business persons are likely to launch new ventures. Your habits and your health : Most of you will maintain sound health with no complaints. Those undergoing treatment for ailments will see good progress towards regaining normal health. Some of the alcohol-addicts will regain their elements and find reasons to give up their addiction. Women and their relations : Love and affections will flourish, taking you closer to your loved ones. Those looking for life-partners will succeed fully in their efforts. Misunderstandings, if any, with your spouse or loved ones will disappear. Students and job-seekers : Jupiters transit Cancer will put you in focus among your friends, classmates and relatives during the first quarter commencing from January 2015. Most of you looking for job will end your vexation. Uttaraphalguni (2,3,4) natives dealing with entertainment and sports will experience huge success. They will also find balancing factors to negate their earlier bad experiences. Hasta natives will find all events and happenings favoring them. They will turn spiritual and philanthropic. They are likely to undertake a long distance pilgrimage. Some of the Chitra (1, 2) natives will hear good news on the legal front and rejoice. Most of them will resolve long-pending issues that would mould their lives, Vedic Remedies: Perform holy bath to Lord Siva on 5 Mondays or Thursdays in any temple, to enjoy the continuity of the good things happening to you. Lal-kitab Remedies : Wear a Yellow thread around your neck. Maintain good relations with your father and Guru. |
- Chitra (3, 4), Swathi, Visakha (1, 2, 3) |
: Severe financial hardships are likely to bother
you, on account of recurring hospital expenditure, reduced
professional income, loss of comforts, useless long distance
travels and failure of new projects. If the benefic number of
dots (Bindus) in the Cancer sign of your Jupiter
Ashtakavarga chart is more than 4, the hardship will be less. Personal life : You are likely to establish relationship with a member of the opposite sex in September 2014, which is unlikely to blossom into a permanent one. There may be a conflict of ideas and pre-conceived notions, leading to its break-up in the last week of March 2015. Finance and profession : Change of job or business losses are in the offing. You are likely to borrow money to meet the short falls towards health expenses of your family members, mostly parents. You will also be under severe pressure to repay the old debts. Your habits and your health : You are a person depending too much on the Almighty. Your habits of procrastinating things will rob you of possible opportunities for quick growth. You will maintain robust health, keeping you fit. Women and their relations : Some of you may be involved in legal battles, while others may strain their relations with near and dear ones. There will be a crisis of confidence between you and your near and dear ones. Students and job seekers : Both students and job-seekers will find things moving in the wrong direction at the eleventh hour. Disappointment will rule roost. Chitra (3, 4) natives will be forced to keep off family and near and dear ones during most of the transit. Swati natives are likely to enjoy their environment in the company of new friends and culture or in a new profession. Visakha (1, 2, 3) natives will find peace in undertaking religious tours and listening to discourses. Vedic Remedies : Start worshipping Ashtalakshmis to come out of the financial crisis, in which you are placed. Also regular recital of Daridrya Dahana Sthotram will go a long way in coming over the financial crisis partially. Lal-kitab Remedies : Not to go out of the way to help anybody. Pour water onto the roots of a Peepal tree |
- Visakha (4), Anuradha, Jyeshta |
: For people having their natal Moon in Scorpio,
Jupiters transits in Cancer will be very favourable.
Jupiter bestows happiness, comforts, marriage, children,
knowledge and spiritual appetite. All your secret ambitions will
also be fulfilled. You will bask in the glory of your
achievements or those of your family members. Personal life : Auspicious events like marriage, birth of child, success in undertakings will keep people happy throughout. Most of those looking to tie the marital knot will succeed. Even divorced people too will also succeed in finding their live-in or life-partners. Finance and profession : You will find happiness all around with your financial position, improving dramatically. Bringing name and fame, the period will take you to greater heights in your profession. Disposal of vehicles or some property to buy new vehicles or property is on the cards. Your habits and your health : You will be forced to give up the habit of keeping things close to your chest. You will maintain excellent health throughout. You will undertake long distance pilgrimages, mostly to the sacred places of South India. Women and their relations : Your search for a suitable life-partner will end. Those looking for live-in partnerships too will succeed and get satisfactory results. Women on the verge of seeking separation from dear and near ones will have to wait. Students and job-seekers : Students pursuing higher studies will achieve goals. Job-seekers will find it easy to find placements with opportunities flourishing to their surprise. Visakha (4) natives pursuing business will launch new projects and those pursuing careers will expand their professional base. Anuradha natives will find opportunities easily, with a few coming from a foreign land. People initiating efforts for promoting their careers on the home turf will also succeed. Jyesta natives will make unexpected gains in their activity and acquire new communication skills. Plenty of opportunities will come their way. Vedic Remedies : Recital of Kuja (Angarak) stothra on every Tuesday, especially in the mornings, will help you sustain the pace of happiness, comforts, prosperity and progress. Lal-kitab Remedies : Be a pure vegetarian and visit any temple daily. Throw 400gm Rice in a flowing river, once a month. |
- Moola, Purvashada, Uttarashada (1) |
: Though Jupiter is the lord of your Moon sign, it
will create financial, professional and health problems for most
of you, especially for those who stay long distance away from
home, unless your Jupiter Ashtakavarga chart shows more than 4
points in Cancer. You will find all your plans going haywire,
for no fault of yours. Personal life : Long distance business or professional trips will produce no tangible results. Those staying away from home will invite disputes or law interference. Secret troubles will come to the fore. Finance and profession : You will be forced to borrow to make investments, probably for buying a house. Those involved in speculation will incur heavy losses. Professional growth will come to a halt. The first two weeks of August 2014 will heighten your troubles. Your habits and your health : You will maintain excellent physical health, but mental tension will haunt you, as you will be unable to recover money given to your close friends. Try to give up the habit of helping others. Women and their relations : Working women will spend considerable amount of money on buying jewellery. Girls looking for life partnership will find trials going haywire at the eleventh hour. Those involved in live-in relationships will feel abandoned by their partners. Students and job-seekers : Students and job-seekers trying to go abroad will get sudden opportunities and fulfill their wishes. Those in their home-land will find it hard to get opportunities. Moola natives, who are in business, may invite legal troubles or allegations in their professional sphere. Those in service will invite disciplinary action. Purvashada natives will find their plans going haywire, despite their well-planning and preparedness in financial aspects. Uttrashada (1) natives will regain their relations with Government or governmental agencies. Vedic Remedies : Perform Ganapati Homam at home on any Tuesday followed by Abhishekam (holy bath) to Lord Shiva on any Monday to ward off the evil influences. Recite Mahaganapati Karya Siddhi Mantra for as many times as possible to avoid failures. Lal-kitab Remedies : Tie Red thread 8 times around the trunk of Peepal tree, once a month. Donate 8 Carrots in any temple every Friday. |
- Uttarashada (2, 3, 4) , Sravana, Dhanishta ( 1, 2) |
: Auspicious events like marriage, birth of children,
purchase of property or vehicle, union with loved ones,
launching of new business enterprises, promotional chances and
reaching employment goals are on the cards. Business persons
will get plenty of opportunities for expansion. Personal life : Long-pending auspicious events will materialize in your house. An additional member may join your family. Those looking to tie the knot will succeed. Pilgrimages are on cards. Purchase of a house, huge at that, or a bigger vehicle is possible. Finance and profession : Business persons will launch new projects and come out of debts. Acquisition of properties and vehicles will boost up your professional spirits. Those in service will get due recognition with unexpected monetary gains. Your habits and your health : Most of you will maintain excellent physical and mental health throughout. Those undergoing treatment for various ailments will regain their health, reducing the number of hospital-trips. Women and their relations : Girls waiting to tie the knot will succeed. Career women will find their prospects expanding; change for the better is on the cards. Lonely women looking for live-in partnerships and companions will also end their search. Students and job-seekers : The period will bring happiness to all those seeking studies and careers abroad. Some of you will come out with flying colours in campus-recruitment. Uttarashada (2, 3, 4) natives will find new relations emerging with top Government officials boosting up their spirits. A long distance trip with a top official is in the offing. Sravana natives dependence on others will come down drastically and people will begin to depend on them. Dhanishta (1, 2) natives will get relief from legal troubles and disputes, making you happy. You will make a long distance trip to meet younger siblings. Vedic Remedies : Along with family members, visit a nearby Navagraha temple for eight Saturdays in the evenings in succession to keep the momentum of your happiness and prosperity. Also, make the children recite Sani Sthotra along with you during the visits. Lal-kitab Remedies : Worship Lord Siva to fulfill your desires. Not to read religious books in your bedroom. |
- Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Purvabhadra (1, 2, 3) |
: The period will witness an upside down for all
professionals. Business persons will suffer huge financial
losses and strain in relations with officials. Legal troubles,
controversial issues will mar your activity. The period will
also witness your friends turning into foes. Added to this, you
may experience bouts of mental anxiety, because of the wrong
doings of your children. Personal life : You are likely to be disturbed by the death of a close relative or friend. Those staying away from home will come across new friends and get into troubles with them within no time. Finance and profession :You will be under pressure to repay loans that you have taken earlier. Loss of job or setbacks in profession is on cards. Second week of Feb 2015 will take you to the height of your legal and professional troubles. Your habits and your health : Mental anxiety will haunt you, as one of your family members will continue to be troubled by sickness and wasting away your hard-earned money. Your attention will be drawn to the wrong doings of your family members. Women and their relations : Women will suffer loss of live-in relationships. Singles will find it difficult to find dependable companions. Those looking for legal separation will clinch matters after a long struggle. Some of you may undertake long distance trips. Students and job-seekers : Those pursuing education or working abroad will run into disputes for silly reasons. Most others looking for campus recruitments will fail to fulfill their aims. Dhanishta (3, 4) natives will have a fall from grace with loss of job or suffering heavy losses in business. Satabisha natives pursuing different goals on a distant land will be thoroughly disappointed. Purvabhadra (1, 2, 3) natives will make more rounds of hospitals, multiplying their anxieties. Vedic Remedies : Recital of Sani Stothra daily, for a minimum of 8 times during Sunset, will help you reduce troubles. Visit once Chilukuru Balaji temple near Hyderabad and offer 11 Pradikshanas seeking solace, with a promise to make 108 circumambulations later. Lal-kitab Remedies : Donate clothes to your family-priest. Be a pure vegetarian. |
- Purvabhadra (4), Uttarabhadra, Revati General : You will be elated by the achievements of your children in the fields of education and fine arts. For most of you, auspicious events including birth of children, marriage, entering into new house will keep you busy. More and more people will seek generosity and help from you, especially between 1 March and 27 June 2015. Personal life : You will keep busy visiting your children or brothers staying long distance away or undertaking pilgrimages. Involvement in auspicious events will bring you the much-needed happiness. Between 10 August and 15 December 2014, you may replace your old vehicle with a brand new one. Finance and profession : You will maintain a highly comfortable financial position throughout the period. Unexpected professional gains like promotion are on the cards. Your habits and your health : No health problems are foreseen during the transit, as you continue to seek solace in spending time in listening to spiritual discourses and writings. You are likely to come in contact with a top spiritual Guru during the month of February 2015. Those who are making rounds to hospitals and doctors will have lesser dependence on them. Women and their relations : Those trying to tie the knot will succeed. Women looking for live-in relationships will also end their search during the year. Auspicious events will keep you happy for most part of the transit. Students and job-seekers : Most of the students completing academic careers will find encouraging results in campus- recruitment. Those pursuing Software-careers abroad will find new avenues. Purvabhadra (4) natives will draw ultimate happiness from the progress of their children. Uttarabhadra natives will make extraordinary recovery from ailments, lessoning their dependence on doctors and hospitals. Revati natives will find their Bank-balance go up with sudden speculative gains and unexpected collection of bad debts. Vedic Remedies : Continuous worship of Lord of the Seven Hills will help you retain your spiritual urge burning and keep you in good spirits always. Recital of Vishnu Sahasranama will also go a long way in perpetuating your all-round happiness. Lal-kitab Remedies : Avoid accepting gifts from others. Participate in the service of cleaning the temples. |