Gone are the days of world suffering from the rigours of over population or population explosion. The
growth rate of population globally is coming down gradually, over the past few years. The demographic
profiles of India as well as that of the entire globe reveal the symptoms of "Silver Tsunami" connoting
people of more than 60 years in the total population not only in India but also in the entire world over.
Increased life expectancy, changes in fertility rates, urbanization, and migration, are the major factors which
are likely to have widespread implications for generations to come, impacting economic development,
employment, income distribution, poverty, and social welfare of the economies of various Nations.
Dawn of New Year 2025
Virgo sign rises at 10° 31' at the time of dawn of
2025. No planet is in exaltation. No planet received
vargottam. 3rd and 8th lord Mars is placed in 11th
and is debilitated. This indicates non-fruitful thinking
of the masses in exercising their mandate, simply
swayed away by polarizing policies of politicians.
This also indicates financial troubles to common man
in general. Ascendant lord Mercury placed in 3rd is
the only good indication in the entire chart.In the
Dawn of 2025 chart, Sun-based Vasi Yoga is formed
with the placement of Mercury in preceding house
to Sun. This yoga confers successful earning in
foreign lands and good earnings to the Indian
citizens. Also, such natives are intelligent,
knowledgeable and wealthy.
Also Moon-based Anapha Yoga is also formed with
the placement of Mercury in the preceding house of
Sun. With this, Indian citizenry will be blessed with
happy domestic life and gradual success in their
First House: Health, physical comforts, energy,
conduct, way of thinking, interests, hobbys etc are
the characteristics of this house. Ascendant lord
Mercury is placed in the 3rd, receiving the beneficial
aspects of Jupiter. Health of the public, welfare of the people in general, administration, Unity among
the public, feelings and thinking of the public as a
whole are indicating positive results. With regard to
Stability of the Government, progress of the States,
success of the country in general and charisma of its
leaders as indicated from the 1st house are showing
beneficial results. Ketu placed in Lagna indicates
Balarishta (danger in infancy) to children this year,
in various epidemics and endemics.
Second House: All financial aspects will be covered
in this house. Cash, goods, earning, income, inherited
property, business dealings, sales and purchase, value
of goods, quality, gifts, expenditure, accounts of
income and expenditure, expected money and to
be paid money will be indicated from this house.
Religion and belief in God, Philosophy, Obedience,
stable mind, Soft speech, Efforts to aquire money,
Avarice in money matters. 2nd house lord Venus
placed in the 6th indicates sickness to citizens and
increase in number of property disputes among the
Indian public.
Third House: Wars, Soldiers, Division of Property,
Profit, Self-study, People at nearby places,
messages, letters, writing, printing and publications,
speeches, transmissions, mediation, short trips,
agencies, healthy body, Servant maids, Ornaments,
advertisements, Transport, Railways, Posts and
Telegraph Stock markets etc., can be known from
this house. 3rd and 8th lord Mars is placed in the 11th
and is debilitated. This indicates thinking of the
masses in emotional way, due to the polarizing tactics
of the politicians. This also indicates financial troubles
to common man in general. Ascendant lord Mercury
placed in the 3rd receiving the beneficial aspect of
Jupiter is the saving grace.
Virgo sign rises at 10°31° at the time of dawn of New Year 2025. No planet is in exaltation. No
planet received Vargottama. Ketu placed in Lagna indicates Balarishta (danger in infancy) to
children this year in various epidemics and endemics. 3rd and 8th lord Mars is placed in the 11th
and is debilitated. This indicates thinking of the masses in emotional way, due to the polarizing
tactics of the politicians. This also indicates financial troubles to common man in general.
Land prices will soar high. Ascendant lord Mercury placed in the 3rd, receiving the beneficial
aspect of Jupiter, is the saving grace. Sun-based Vasi Yoga and Moon-based Anapha Yoga are
indicating good results.
Fourth House: Education, Government, Place of
residence, Voyage, immovable propery, caste,
Trustworthiness, Calm thinking, father's fame,
Handling money, sculptures, digging of wells, Good
diet, deceitful nature, daily needs, agricultural land,
native place, food materials, household goods,
functions in the house, courteous behaviour with
others are indicated from this house. 4th lord Jupiter
placed in the 9th gives charisma, name and fame and
good reputation to the Indian citizens in general. Sun
and Moon placed in the 4th gives comfortable life,
with good conveyance facility to the public in general.
Fifth House: Children, their needs, education,
students, love and affection, attachments, friendships
creativity, discretion, wisdom skills, teaching, fine arts,
father's sanctity, means of earning, knowledge in
music, sports, speculation, races, giving shape to a
thought, executive ability, authority and
administration, patronage, nutrition, patronage,
inherited ministership and Gynecology are covered
in this house. 5th house lord Saturn placed in the 6th
indicates the likelihood of number of miscarriages
to expectant mothers this year. Increase in Diabetis
and obesity patients.
Sixth House: Ill Health, wealth on account of
conflict, Enemy's joy, Poison, pain, Diabetics,
Impeachment, Defame, Eye diseases, Imprisonment,
comforts, food, work, exercise, physical beauty,
cleanliness, physique, medical treatment, handicrafts,
vocational training and education, medicines, rearing
animals, birds and pets, dairy, servants, workers and
industries can be known from this house. 6th lord
placed in own house makes the public behaving
rudely with high range of arrogance, resulting into
number of disputes. This gives rise to
'work from home' culture, becoming a regular phenomena in IT
Sector.But the natural friends Saturn and Venus
joined together in the 6th indicates good results like
many riches, victory over enemies and comfortable
living. Health-care will be a costly affair. Alternative
medicines of Siddha, Ayurveda and Homoeo would
receive good patronage from public.
Seventh House: Institution of marriage, adultery,
loss of life-partner, partnership, joint ventures, love
and affection, political and business relationships,
meetings, competitors, rivalry, separation, divorce,
arrangements, agreements, indiscipline, private parts,
delicious food are indicated by this house.7th house
placed Rahu for Virgo lagna indicates troubles to
husbands from wives in this year. Female domination
in families is likely to drive many husbands to
despondency and dejection this year. But, 7th lord
Jupiter placed in 9th (angular lord placed in trine)
reduces the above negative results substantially. 7th
house placed Rahu indicates more number of love
marriages this year.
Eighth House: Others' money, public funds, hidden
money or unearned or unaccounted wealth,
inheritance, loans, life insurance, pension, gratuity,
compensation, gifts, damaged and second hand
machinery, intervention in other's matters, sexually
transmitted diseases, sales and purchases, kidney
trouble, longevity, laziness, handicapped, death
sentence, unstable mind and piles disease are
indicated as this house's significations. 8th lord Mars
placed in the 11th and debilitated, indicates very hard
and tough days to common man and he/she needs
to strive hard to make the both ends meet.
Nineth House: Higher education, professional
courses, scientific research, teaching, publications, Universities, Courts, legislatures, temples, pilgrimage,
honours through education, all-round wealth, Vedic
sacrifices, charity, politics, spiritual and religious
issues, scientific seminars, long distance travels
exports and imports can be known from this house.
9th house lord Ketu placed in Lagna indicates
Balarishta(danger in infancy) to children this year.
Pilgrimages and spiritual organisations will be
subjected to winnowing criticism. Trust Boards will
be amidst many controversies.
Tenth House: Status, respect and honours,
Authority and Power, relations with the Government,
influential people, political affairs, public meetings,
business, Government houses, horse riding,
Government transportation, medicines, influence in
Government, Supremacy, Intelligence etc., are this
house Karakatwas.10th lord placed in 3rd indicates
people will be jovial this year, with a lot of self respect
and of good moral character. Corruption in Govt
offices will reduce substantially. Government will
earn good name with neat and tidy transportation.
Many meritorious Indians will be honoured with
highest international awards in India and abroad this
Eleventh House: Friends, Unions, clubs, companies,
corporations, political parties, Panchayat-samithis,
Cooperative societies, groups and group activities,
federations, wind fall gains, legislative business,
Property acquired from grandfather, Profits through
Father-in-law, Elder brother, Paternal uncle are
causatives of this house. 11th lord Moon placed in
4th gives success, after great effort and also
comfortable living to the Indian citizens in general.
Retrograde Mars placed here in retrogression and
debilitation makes people very much charitable and
a good year is ahead for charitable institutions.
Twelfth House: Discreet activities, loneliness,
confinements, pressures, hurdles, illusion, dreams,
mental tension, delays in work, too much work load
without any rest, absent-mindedness, illness, spiritual
and occult interests, criminal investigation, meditation,
helping nature, foreign travel, hostels and jails, rest
houses, hotels, mines, archaeology, underground
houses, drugs, magic, hypnotism, transcendental
meditation, bed comforts Foreign travel, clearing of debts and sacrifice are temperaments of this house.
12th lord Sun placed in the 4th indicates loss of money
in gambling and other vices. People will spend money
lavishly to show their false prestige. Also, sale of
properties by some citizens for gratification of their
vices, and gambling is also indicated. Great demand
for old age Homes and Orphanages.
Promising results in sports-front will be indicated
by 6th house in the year 2025. Natural friends Saturn
and Venus joined together in 6th in the Dawn of 2025
horoscope indicates good results and probable
success. This is strengthened by the 8th house aspect
of Mars on the 6th house connoting success in sports.
Eclipses in the year 2025: Two Lunar Eclipses
and Two Solar eclipses occur in this Year. First Lunar
eclipse is on 14th March 2025 in Uttaraphalguni
asterism in Virgo Moon sign. visible only in Europe,
Asia, Africa, North and South Americas. No impact
on Indians.
Second Lunar eclipse is on 07th Sept.2025 in
Satabhisha asterism of Aquarius Moon sign. Visible
in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North and South
Americas. No impact on Indians.
First Partial Solar eclipse is on 19th March 2025 in
Visakha asterism of Scorpio Moon sign, and not
visible in India.
Second Partial Solar eclipse is on 21st Sept.2025 in
Uttaraphalguni asterism in Virgo Moon sign. Visible only in United States, Mexico and Canada.
Row over Jamili elections: The concept of
simultaneous elections, often referred to as "Jamili
elections" or "One Nation, One Election" in India,
has gained significant momentum across the country
in recent times. Recent expert recommendations
suggest that implementing this system would require
six constitutional amendments, a process that
demands a two-thirds majority in both houses of
Parliament.While the ruling BJP alliance currently
holds a simple majority, the growing support from
Opposition parties may pave the way for these
crucial amendments. Notable leaders such as Sharad
Pawar, Akhilesh Yadav, Nitish Kumar, Naveen
Patnaik, KCR, and Jaganmohan Reddy have
previously expressed openness to the idea. Only the
Congress party and AIMIM have vocally opposed the move following the Union Cabinet's approval of
the Kovind Committee's recommendations. In all
probability the 'One Nation One Election' proposal
of PM Modi-led BJP, is still utmost an ambitious
plan rather than a practical and viable solution.
Narendra Modi
Mars Dasa Saturn bhukthi will be in operation to
Modi upto 29 May 2025 and from then on Mars
Dasa Mercury bhukthi for the rest of the year. Mars
as lord of ascendant and 6th, placed in the ascendant
is beneficial. As against the required strength of 300,
Mars acquired strength of 392.80 and ranked 3rd
next only to Sun and Saturn. But in Dawn of 2025
horoscope, Mars is debilitated.Hence, it is very much
likely that in the year 2025, he will strive for global
peace and to sort out the differences between Russia
and Ukraine. In Septemper 2025, on Modi's
persuasion, Russia released 6 Indian Soldiers
working in war against Ukraine with Russia. Modi's
efforts to resolve conflicts in Gaza, Palastine and
Israel will succeed and receive gobal acclaim.
US Dollar The Rupee-dollar exchange rate would
depend on the demand and supply of rupee vis a vis
dollar. As more dollars come into India, Indian rupee
will appreciate and if India pays more dollars, then
exchange-rate would depreciate. Transit of Jupiter
in its exalted sign Cancer in the second half of 2025
will result in only moderate increase in Dollar-rupee
conversion rate.
Sensex: The main stock market index in India
(SENSEX) increased 13332 points with growth rate
of 18.45%, since the beginning of 2024. Historically,
the BSE SENSEX Stock Market Index reached an
all time high of 85978.25 on 26 September of 2024.
In the year 2025 due to retrogression of Jupiter, and also Saturn for much of a time in Jupiter's own sign,
there will be a slow and steady momentum, without
much hiccups. This ensures certain amount of safety
to investors' funds.
Indian Independence Chart
Born in Pushya star (1st pada), India was running
Saturn Dasa at the time of independence. India
recorded all round growth in the last decade in its
Moon dasa operating from 10 Sept. 2015 to 09
Sept.25. Moon placed in own house, which is the
3rd from Ascendant conferred all kinds of benefits
to our country in its entire dasa period. At the dawn
of 2025, India will be in Moon Dasa Venus bhukthi
upto 17 March 2025 and Moon Dasa Sun bhukthi
upto 9 Sept.2025. Major achievements of India in
the Moon Dasa are Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao(Caring
for girl child), JAM(Jandhan, Aadhar and Mobile),
Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, Namami
Gange(Operation clean Ganga), Growth in digital
currency usage, Fast Track growth in GDP and
Transparency in Governance. Ten years back, India
ranked 11th in biggest economies of the world. Now,
India is the 5th biggest economy.
India enters Mars dasa from 9th September 2025
onwards. For Taurus lagna, placement of Mars in
the 2nd house indicates that people will save money
for their future needs. To inculcate and improve the
saving habit among the public and use public savings
for the economic development, the Government
should increase the Interest rate on Bank Deposits.
This will arrest the flow of Indian money to foreign
countries. As 7th lord placed in the 2nd, Mars gives
ample recognition and respect to Indian citizens in
Mars dasa. Also, as lord of 12th placed in 2nd, Mars ensures all Indians to be God-fearing, charitable and
of noble character.
Retrogression of planets
Jupiter would retrograde in Taurus at the beginning of
the year till 04 Feb.2025, enters Gemini on 15 May
2025 and enters Cancer on 19th Oct.2025.
Retrogrades in Cancer and re-enters Gemini on 06
Dec.2025 and stays there till the year-end. So in the
year 2025, Jupiter will transit in Gemini for 185 days,
and the balance days in Cancer. Retrograde Jupiter
in Gemini may cause challenges to get financial gains
from inheritance or from in-laws. You may face legal
challenges, due to wrong financial decisions. There
will be ego clashes with colleagues at the work-place,
causing challenges to execute work on time. When
Jupiter goes retrograde in Cancer, our dreams,
chances for growth, and quests for wisdom would
need some adjusting. These periods might raise doubts
about our spiritual beliefs and prompt us to think
deeply about life's big questions. Land prices will
increase multi-fold. Tough time for Real estate
Saturn becomes Retrograde on 13 July 2025 at 7.24
am in Pisces and it becomes Direct on 28 November
2025 at 07.26 am. Total duration of Saturn in
Retrograde motion is 138 DAYS. Pisces house lord
is Jupiter. Saturn-retrograde isn't a bad one, it's less
austere and helpful. Since Saturn retrograde is in
Pisces, it's ideal to manifest love, work, and spirituality.
Commit to what you connect with on a soulful level,
and watch it grow. In September 2024, Government
has increased import duty on vegetable oils. Their
prices have began to soar high. In 2025, prices of
vegetable oils will reach record high levels.
To sum up, Dawn of New Year 2025 chart indicates:
- Land prices would reach prohibitive levels necessitating for a suitable legislation. Tough time for real estate business, all over the country.
- Great demand for Old-age homes and orphanages.
- Increase in Diabetic and obesity patients.
- 7th house-placed Rahu indicates more number of love marriages this year.
- Pilgrimage centres and Trust Boards need to face severe criticism.
- Health-care will be a costly affair. Alternate medicinal system will receive the patronage of the public.
- Vegetable oil prices would increase multifold.
- New kind of viral infections might play havoc, with the health of children.
- Work from home culture would become a regular phenomen on in IT Sector.
- Border disputes with China and Pakistan will take a new turn and cause high tension.
Pushkar Celebrations: The Saraswati River
Pushkarams will be held from 15 May to 26 May
2025 in Prayag, Uttar Pradesh, India. According to
experts, the river Saraswati originated from the Harki-
Dun glacier in Garhwal in Uttarakhand. It is
believed that the river was 1500 km long, 5 m deep
and 3 - 15 km wide. The Saraswati river flowed
between 6000 and 4000 BCE, after which it dried
up due to tectonic shifts of the Earth. The Saraswati
River is a historical one, that was recorded in the
Vedas, Puranas, and epics, including the Mahabharata
and Smritis. According to Hindu scripts and texts,
the Saraswati River is one of the principal Rigvedic
Rivers. It is also well-known by the name Ghaggar-
Hakra River. According to some sources, the
Saraswati river can be seen in Mana Village,
Badrinath, Uttarakhand.