Guidance for Sun Signs (Date of Birth) |
In 2025, the stars offer a wider canvas to build your dreams into tangible success! Learn how to harness this new energy all year through, with Tarotscope 2025!
(21 March - 19 April) |
Keywords :
Beginnings, Strength & Control |
This year, an energetic shift will propel you to dizzy new heights. Be open for magic and miracles to flow in!
Career :
Wider vistas are calling you, Aries! It’s time to give a big push to get your goals
moving in the right direction. Ensure you have a safety net and a reliable support before
taking any leaps of faith. Someone at work will try to undermine you or manipulate things
for their own gain. Speak up, but without throwing barbs! An unexpected development at
work will open a world of new opportunities, towards the second half of the year. Tackle
it with strong leadership skills and exuberance. Self-employed! you will make a compelling
pitch for a business endeavor outside your usual scope. Get organized and you will attract
a windfall!
Wealth :
Security is the key! Taking control of your finances, and tightening your belt now will pay off
later. You might have to deal with a large expense, property deal or a Tax situation. Review your financial
statements and mounting bills, to organize your money and cut the financial stress! An unexpected investment
opportunity or a new collaboration will power up your money-corner and help you get back on a good
financial track towards the mid-year. Thoroughly check, and do not gloss over Red flags, before signing on
the dotted line!
Home :
Patience is the key! On the domestic-front, a family situation might press on you, causing intensifying
feelings of exhaustion. Be direct, but find a civilized way to express your frustration. If you intend to revamp
your home, be careful not to get overly ambitious, as it will prove to be costly and create more chaos.
Love :
Tread carefully! A little white lie will surface, that might become a deal-breaker in your relationship.
Before jumping to conclusions, approach the conversation with tact and understanding. Singles might get
anxious and try to push the pace with a new love-interest. Concentrate on building something slowly, but
surely; your long-term goals are to be still in sync.
Health :
Reset your wellbeing! As the year would progress, you might feel the fatigue and exhaustion,
which if not paid heed, would cause you severe health hazards. Cosmos will inspire you to have a fresh take
on your health routine. Introduce healthier choices by starting a new fitness regime or simply tweaking your
daily habits.
Angel's Message :
"Raise your standards and elevate your expectations!"
Cosmo Tip : Keep a Dalmatian Jasper crystal with you, to turn your dream ideas into reality!
(20 April – 20 May) |
Keywords : Good Luck, Manifestation & Justice |
This is your year to go for gold! Expand your horizons and conquer the world!
Career :
It’s a show-stopper year, so buckle up ! Rapid developments at work will shake up things,
and put you in the spotlight. Pivot quickly, and stretch out of your comfort zone to push your limits.
Concrete actions on a solo project will bring new levels of status and responsibility for you, in the 2nd
quarter of the year. Get ready for a spike in your popularity and influence! For self-employed, a
valuable networking will bring in prosperous opportunities to boost your status. Step up, and create the
perfect synergy with dynamic and experienced collaborators.
Wealth :
Tip the money scales! This year you will be pushed to address any lingering financial matter,
before it snowballs further. Steep bills, lost payments or unexpected price hikes will make it difficult to save or
stick to the budget. Getting clear about your budget, expenses and income will open the channels for a
lucrative opportunity in the 3rd quarter of the year. A genius money-making idea to stabilize your money-base
will spark your interest. Read the fine print on those exciting investment offers, especially if they sound too good to be true.
Home :
Restore balance to your bonds! Family dynamics will get strained, bubbling up the family drama. Being diplomatic
will help diffuse the situation, and to bring back peace in the household. Someone from the family circle might disrupt your
domestic harmony. React graciously to unsolicited advice, but set firm boundaries.
Major cosmic forces will help you re-balance your relationship dynamics for the better. Those in a secure
relationship, should seize this opportunity, to bring more depth to your connection. Should you realize a conspicuous
imbalance between the give and the take, broach the subject, before the resentment reaches the volcanic point. Singles!,
it will be easy to get overwhelmed by new love, but if you want something that will go the distance, pace yourself.
Health :
Put self-care at the top of your priorities! A nagging psychological or emotional issue will make it difficult to
work or follow through with plans, but you will try to press through it. Slip off the radar and replenish your mental and
emotional tanks.
Angel's Message :
"Be open to receiving goodness. Believe that you are worthy of abundance!"
Cosmo Tip : Wear Ruby Crystal to make confident decisions, and attract prosperity!
(21 May – 21 June) |
Keywords : Surrender, Rebirth & Choices |
Cast a wider net and don’t let your fears limit your expansion!
Career :
Flexibility will be your superpower! An innovative approach will bring a fresh start
to an artistic endeavor, or pick up an old project that went into mothballs Create a streamlined
framework for a fruitful fall! A new role or a tailor-made job will emerge towards the second
half of the year. Make informed and strategic moves! Discussions with key critical or authoritative
people might lead to a tense dialogue. Be selectively candid, and choose your battles wisely. For
self employed, an exciting opportunity to launch a venture will put serious wind in your sails.
Snap out of tunnel vision and see the big picture!
Wealth :
Tackle your finances head on! The cosmos will bring your cash-flow in spotlight,
urging you to face your financial reality head on. Scrutinize your budget, and make choices that
align with your long-term stability. Temptation to splurge will throw a wrench in your financial
plans. Be wary of indulgences that you will regret later! A new opportunity, or income stream
will stabilize money-flow during the mid-year. Get all the details, as there could be hidden costs
or conditions that you did not notice at first glance!
Home :
Restore peace! Emotions will run high, bringing a domestic matter to a head. Untangle any dicey dynamics,
and get down to the root cause, to a make lasting change. You will need to work through some co-dependency
issues, particularly with your mother, a child or a close female friend. Lend an extra emotional support, but do not
get caught trying to play savior.
Love :
Catalyze your commitment! You and your partner will contemplate taking the relationship to the next level,
sparking necessary financial talks. Keep conversations honest and straightforward, to avoid overextending yourself.
It will be tempting to re-connect with an old flame. Be cautious, as re-visiting the past may not go as planned,
especially if toxic dynamics were involved. For singles, a chance meeting could send sparks flying with someone,
who may be very different from your usual type. Explore the connection, but do not rush in.
Health :
Slip off the grid to rejuvenate! There could be a temptation to aim high, and bring out a workaholic
streak in you. A brisk walk or deep breathing techniques will help you maintain your center, while also amping up
your efficiency.
Angel's Message :
"Count your blessings and more blessings will flow to you and fill you with delight!"
Cosmo Tip : Keep a Purple Fluorite crystal in your Left pocket, for calmness and clarity.
(22 June - 22 July) |
Keywords :
Balance, harmony & Destiny |
A year to boldly craft your destiny! Act with intention, as the cosmos directs you
towards the right path.
Career :
Get your ideas out to the world, Cancer! An unexpected radical idea will help re-vitalize
a project that you have been tinkering with. Ferret out every possible flaw and polish this project until
it shines. Disruptive coworkers will cause breakdowns at work. Get your point across at the right
time, without stepping on any toes. An innovative way will help you to monetize your brilliant concepts,
and turn it into something tangible in the 3rd quarter of the year. Reach out to a mentor, to fine-tune
your strategy. Self-employed! huge work pile and deadlines will make it hard for you to focus.
Weed out the draining tasks, and give your best to endeavors that will pay dividends.
Wealth :
Refine your budget! A severance of income will give you an added push to manage
funds, and investments more sensibly with a view to long term growth. Someone might siphon off
small amounts from your Bank Account, without you having noticed Follow your gut, but confirm
any suspicions with facts! Lucky breaks regarding your finances will open new horizons for fiscal
expansions in the 2nd half of the year. Be alert to people and opportunities, that help you increase your finances.
Home :
Guard your space! Conversation with a relative about a sensitive topic or conflicting opinions might get
tricky. Aim to express yourself respectfully and with tact. Desire for change on the home-front, will inspire you to
revamp your home with fresh decor. Let your heart lead the way.
Love :
Ready, set, commit!. A developing connection will turn into something more substantial this year. Keep the
discussion focused on mutual desires, and how you can craft a win-win situation. With your emotions running high, you
will feel sidelined and easily triggered by small comments, and find it hard to hold back sharp words. Step back and give
yourself space to cool down, before reacting! It will be a stellar year for Singles, to meet their special person. Be
focused and single-minded in your pursuits.
Health :
Prioritize your health! You will feel anxious, tense or easily irritated and subject to muscle aches, neck, or
physical discomfort. Make a fresh start to kick a divisive habit and make room for healthier choices. Schedule doctors’
appointments to get your Blood levels checked. The sooner you deal, the sooner you will heal.
Angel's Message :
"Surrender, and trust the magic of the universe!"
Cosmo Tip : Carry or wear an Orange Calcite, to take the right action at the right time!
(23 July - 22 August) |
Keywords : Moderation, Success & Hope |
Bask in the spotlight and create the life you deserve!
Career :
Dream big, but look before you leap! New opportunities and exciting projects
will keep you on your toes. Instead of chasing every glittering opportunity, be extra discerning
about what venture you take on! Someone will make attempts to undermine you, and cause
friction at work. Be direct and to the point without flinging accusations. A new career direction
or an option to expand an existing role will open up in the 2nd quarter. Upgrade your skill-sets
and step outside your comfort-zone! Self-employed will get a cosmic opportunity to broaden
work horizons. Put your plans into action, and venture into a brave new terrain.
Wealth :
Re-visit your financial strategies! It’s time to scrutinize the numbers and aim to
clear away debts, as the year winds down. Impulsive purchases will creep up on you, leaving
you a little shorter on cash. Align your financial habits with your long-term goals. A financial uplift towards the
mid-year will manifest as a bonus or a golden opportunity to settle debts or advance an investment. Before
rushing into any financial decisions, scrutinize every detail.
Home :
Detach from drama! Getting wrapped up in the nuances of other people’s dramas will distract you
from finding solutions. Aim to empower, not rescue. Cosmic beams will bring about a fresh start in your home
and family, and herald a move. A renovation or a decor overhaul is on the cards.
Love :
Savour the small things! An imbalanced aspect of a current relationship will rear its head demanding
that you deal head on. With a little give and take, both the partners will be able to hammer out terms that make
them happy! Couples will turn over a new leaf by formalizing their relationship, by getting engaged or renewing
vows. For Singles, cosmos will bring a lucky swipe or a destined meeting, through social activities. Get out and
Health :
Time to prioritize your health! Health worries will start to melt away by making a few sensible
alterations to your life. The stars will help navigate a nagging health issue to be properly diagnosed and
treated. Make sure to schedule timely medical check –ups!
Angel's Message :
"Stay true to your path, and continue to soar higher and shine brighter!"
Cosmo Tip : Wear Honey Calcite Crystal to manifest abundance and prosperity.
(23 August - 22 September) |
Keywords :
Courage, Abundance & Karma
This year fills you with courage and charisma, so work those powers of
persuasion to your advantage!
Career :
Come out of your shell and shine! A competitive advantage will take your career or
vision to the next level, and broaden your horizons. Harness your skill-set in a new and exciting
ways! An old colleague or client may re-appear with an intriguing opportunity; get the facts
straight before jumping in. A celestial bonanza will bring an opportunity for a professional upgrade
with a higher pay, towards in the 2nd half of the year. Prune your plans and prioritize your options!
For entrepreneurs, a business idea or a project might get delayed due to unexpected challenges.
Use the extra time to perfect your vision.
Wealth :
Keep a firm handle on your finances this year! De-clutter the financial arena and
get rid of redundant investments or wasteful expenditures. It’s a chance to get creative with your
finances and explore new ways, to make your money work for you. An unexpected stroke of
good fortune in the 2nd half of the year will light up a new financial pathway to help you clear old
debts and re-float your finances. Siphon off a chunk of your income to your savings account or investment portfolio.
Get ready to evolve! Conversations around emotional needs, shared responsibilities and domestic
matters will likely to bubble to the surface. Thoughtful and balanced dialogue will help you to see the bigger picture
in your family dynamics or living arrangements.
Love :
Re-wire your relationship! A key relationship will blow up due to tangled emotions and clandestine attractions.
Do not blur that boundary! Deepen your bond by talking through sticking points and dissolve the strain. Singles will
meet their soul-mate under new circumstances, and salubrious sparks could fly. Stay open to love, but stick to your
boundaries and standards!
Health :
Breathe in, breath out! Several emotional constraints will make you feel mentally and physically tired.
Burning candles at both ends will make you feel wired and tired, most of the times. Regulate your nervous system
by powering down devices, and taking twice as much rest as you think you need!
Angel's Message :
"Let your old life crumble and fade to create space for powerful new you!"
Cosmo Tip : Wear or Carry Flower Agate Crystal for new beginnings, growth, and transformation.
(23 September – 23 October) |
Keywords :
Completion, Action & Authority
Seeds you planted a long time ago are moving closer to harvest. Get
ready for a cosmic life upgrade!
Career :
Spread those wings! Fresh strategies will lead to powerful breakthroughs and
impressive career strides this year. Team projects will hit a temporary lull, giving you the opportunity
to rethink your strategy. Reflect on the bigger picture, and adjust your approach to group dynamics
and networking. Towards the mid year, an unexpected discovery or an idea will bring great value
to your professional arena. Stay sharp and ahead of the curve! An entrepreneurial venture will give
you an opportunity to come out of your shell and shine. Tinker and test the new product for any
snags, before the big launch!
Wealth :
Organize your money! Stressful money fluctuations will fuel a sense of panic
around financial matters and personal security. Turn for an expert help to prune out investments
that have not clicked and seek out profitable ventures. New lucrative opportunities during the mid
-year will help you land on solid and solvent ground, to increase your earnings. Learn the lessons and keep a
contingency plan handy!
Home :
Take a deep breath! A bustling hub of activity on the home front will add excitement and stress to your
nest in equal measures. Dial down, and allow others to take the helm! A family tug of war will question your
loyalties, leaving you vulnerable. Listen to each other, without judgment, and focus on a common vision. Those
looking for a new home, read the fine print well, and do not believe every word your Real estate agent says!
Love :
Seek a common ground ! Strong emotions could erupt and upset the stable balance of a relationship. A
brief hiatus will do you good to find a middle ground, and rekindle your shared values. Reflect on what is not
working, and eliminate anything that undermines your relationship. Singles will need to snap out of the tunnel vision
to see all the amorous options and adventures that wait for you!
Health :
Prioritize your own needs! Stress levels will rise, and you could risk a multitasking meltdown if you take
on too much. Bolster your well-being with vitamins and supplements, and pay special attention to your gut health
and the digestive system.
Angel's Message :
"Don’t look back- only focus ahead to your new destination!"
Cosmo Tip : Keep a Yellow Calcite crystal sphere on your work-desk, to increase your efficiency.
(24 October - 21 November) |
Keywords : Wisdom, Power & Inner Guidance |
Everything is falling into place for your greater good; that is a
cosmic guarantee!
Career :
Take a calculated risk! Wheel will spin in you favour breathing life into a lofty goal
or aspiration, that got shelved or you thought was out of reach. Time to see an old dream
through a new lens! A surprising twist on the career-front will be a game changer that will push
you into a new territory in the 3rd quarter. Explore and consider it seriously, before throwing
your hat in the ring! For self-employed, powerful networking or a savvy partner will help
catapult an artistic project to go global. Snap out of tunnel vision and see the big picture.
Wealth :
Dig deep and inspect! Financial tensions will challenge you to closely examine,
where your money is going. Watch the spending, as those little splurges will add up fast.
Enact a plan to invest money in smarter, interest-bearing channels. You might discover that
someone might be putting a drain on your resources; Find it and nip that in the bud! A brilliant financial opportunity
will line your pocket with more cash in the 1st quarter of the year. Be careful, not to spend it on a whim!
Home :
Dial down the drama! Despite the apparent stability, friction can stir up on domestic front. Feelings of
frustration or rebellion will bring up hidden tensions in your closest ties. Address any underlying frustrations, and
find more authentic ways to connect with your loved ones.
Love :
Time to strengthen the connection! Bickering or competitiveness within the relationship will make it
difficult in reaching a consensus. Avoid getting on the wrong-end of the stick and misreading your partner’s
words. Navigate your concerns objectively and maturely! Singles will meet someone out of the Blue, who has
real-deal potential. Proceed with caution, before making anything official.
Health :
Hop back on the wellness wagon! Chronic health issues will compel you to adopt a balanced & a
disciplined regime. Toning down the stress levels with meditation or some other cathartic release will help
untangle the worrisome knots.
Angel's Message :
"Be courageous, stand in your power and trust that you are safe!"
Cosmo Tip : Keep a Sunstone crystal sphere, to step into your power, and let your confidence shine!
(22 November - 21 December) |
Keywords :
Determination, Intuition & Faith
Keep your eyes on the prize, and stay focused on the
fundamentals. A steady pace will get you through safe and dry.
Career :
Bring on the blue-sky visions! A powerful surge of energy to your professional life,
will bring a perfect time to take bold steps in your career. Make sure that your strategy is as
bullet proof as it can be! Creative intelligence will help in winning new clients or getting an
inspiring project off the ground towards mid-year. Tune out the distractions and seize this rare
opportunity! You might have to filter your words to avoid conflicts at workplace; take a cautious
approach! Self-employed will embark on reinventing a business idea. Rein it in, and set a
practical benchmark to stay ahead of the curve.
Wealth :
Get smart with your cash! Conversations on division of shared assets, money or
investments will crop up. Guard your slice of pie, without any guilt! Someone will try to manipulate
your investment choices. Be careful what you agree to. Various transactions and negotiations
towards the 3rd quarter will give you the freedom, to put some ambitious plans into action. Be
proactive, but stay in control.
Home :
Guard your space! Conversation with a relative about a sensitive topic or conflicting opinions might get
tricky. Aim to express yourself respectfully and with tact. You will be inspired to re-feather your nest with a major
home-improvement project or just some decorating changes. Infuse your space with accessories that reflects your
current vibe.
Love :
Re-wire your relationship! A major turning point will bring a chance to re-kindle or re-define your relationship
dynamics. Your critical side could flare up, bringing out a micro-managing streak. Be careful not to turn your flawfinding
lens on your partner. Instead of turning on each other, take a deep breath and get on the same page. Singles!
brace yourself for a surprise love connection as you could find love in the most organic way.
Health :
Tune in to a healthy lifestyle! Guard against self destructive activities that could ruin your health and
undermine your wellbeing. A chronic or a nagging health problem will finally be properly diagnosed and treated.
Follow a healthy lifestyle and monitor your stress levels.
Angel's Message :
"Trust that whatever is coming will be in perfect form and time for you!"
Cosmo Tip : Keep a Yellow Fluorite crystal cluster at your work place to gain cooperation.
(22 December – 19 January) |
Keywords :
New perspective, Life Cycle & Patience
Venture outside your comfort-zone. The rewards are worth it!
Career :
An extra cosmic boost will spark a major turning point in your professional
aspirations. You will be ready to move out of an unfulfilling job, and try a new path. Before
throwing in the towel, talk to the key players, and hash out a new or a more fulfilling position
for yourself. A professional peak will fire your ambitions and catapult you to a whole new level
of success towards the 3rd quarter of the year. For self-employed, a creative breakthrough will
inspire you to revamp your brand look or debut a new product.
Wealth :
Think creatively about your earning potential and long-term goals. Impulsive
purchases or misunderstandings will throw a wrench in your financial plans. So, keep your
receipts and double-check your accounts. A chance to discover new opportunities will land in
the 2nd half of the year. Before charging ahead, get all the details, as hidden costs or conditions
will not be apparent at a first glance.
Home :
A family situation will demand your attention, intensifying feelings of exhaustion. Avoid getting sucked
into family dramas or playing savior for a loved one, at the expense of your own goals. You will fantasize about
freshening up, if not totally overhauling, your decour. Infuse your space with accessories or furniture that reflects
your current vibe.
Love :
A key relationship will be put to the test, giving you clarity, whether it can stand the test of time! If you
have hit a roadblock, a diplomatic discussion can help you get past the communication snags. Frustrating events
will make you extremely outspoken. Instead of burning the bridge, have a candid conversation about the things
you can no longer tolerate. Singles will attract a lighthearted new connection. Trust your heart and head to lead
you to take the right step.
Health :
A nagging emotional issue will be morphed into a physical symptom or even an illness-. It’s time to
deal with the baggage, and get to the root of any wellbeing issues.
Angel's Message :
"Focus on what you really want. Be bold with your requests to the universe"
Cosmo Tip : Wear or Carry Green Garnet crystal for victory in all spheres.
(20 January - 18 February) |
Keywords : Accomplishment , Stability & Creativity |
Keep your eyes on the prize, and stay focused
on the fundamentals; a steady pace will get you through, safe and dry.
Career :
Go for the Gold, Aquarius! The galvanizing beams will shake things up, potentially
bringing rapid developments at work. Get crystal clear and make room for more aligned
projects. An opportunity to commune with a cutting-edge crew will catapult one of your
visionary ideas into a new stratosphere towards the mid-year. Boost your skills to keep the
pace at work. An important endeavour will be obstructed by someone’s behind-the-scenes
shenanigans. Make sure that you do not confront anyone until you have got all the information
you need. Self–employed, your leadership abilities will attract experienced and influential
people. Dazzle them with your out-of-the-box ideas!
Wealth :
Be money savvy! Chance to turn over a fresh financial leaf! Expect to have
some tough lessons around investing and being prudent with your resources. Diversifying
investments and moving money around to different types of risk levels will net you profits! A
stagnant situation or a sudden change of fortune towards the 2nd quarter of the year will lead you to think bigger,
beyond the paycheck and more towards other avenues of generating income. Do not remain stubbornly wedded to
one source of income.
Home :
Take stock of your bonds! It will be a productive time to process the past and untangle those knots. A
gracious window for making amends with your loved one will open this year. Reach out, and let them know how
much they mean to you. The nesting instincts will motivate you to add an aesthetic touch to your living space. A
breakthrough idea will bring the renovation plan on board.
Love :
Be ready to break out of a romantic rut! It’s a powerful year to address any underlying frustrations and find
more authentic ways to connect with your partner. Putting up a rigid wall will cause drama and pain. Step back, and
engage from a level-headed place! Singles might find love with someone from a different cultural background, or
whose world view is divergent from yours. Stay open to love coming in unexpected ways.
Health :
Get ready for a serious energy reboot! Anxiety and obsessive thinking will make you lose track of
where you are going and what you are doing. Channel your dynamic energy into making a health breakthrough,
instead of getting caught up in stress overload.
Angel's Message :
"Take a stand for what you believe in and get more involved in making a difference!"
Cosmo Tip : Carry or wear a Blue Kyanite crystal to sharpen your communication skills. |
(19 February - 20March) |
Keywords : Confidence, Reflection & Inspiration |
Fasten your seatbelt, as your life is about to get a whole new look!
Career :
Make your power moves, Pisces! A new career adventure awaits you, that will
bring growth, expansion, and experience. Be bold and go for the gold! A fabulous opportunity will
help you to bring a long-held ambition to a finishing line. Fire up your willpower to get it done, and
move on to your next brilliant project! A spotlight moment will bring a surprising supporter to
champion your work and open new doors for you towards the 2nd quarter of the year. Step into
that beam and let your personality shine! For self-employed, with your creative magic touch, you
will attract a new level of prominence. Take your lofty ideas and plug them into concrete goals.
Wealth :
Stick to the rules! Money stress will force you to tighten your belt a few notches
and take a conservative stance to create smarter habits to become cash positive! Prioritize your
investments and devote your time to the ones that will build a sense of security. Arguments can
erupt over shared finances or collection of dues. Clear it out and be direct! An impactful opportunity
to rev up your revenue will open in 2nd half of the year. Pay due diligence before diving in to any
financial deal that will be hard to reverse.
Home :
Watch out for fireworks!! Headstrong emotions will stir up all kinds of feelings and moods, including a
few strong tugs on your heart-strings. In order to heal resentment, you need to pull back from over-giving; so keep
a breezy and an unbothered front to avoid conflicts.
Love :
Be responsive, but not impulsive! A love relationship will go through intense cycles bringing old fears or
trust issues to the surface. Deepen your bond by talking through nagging issues and dissolve the strain. An old
flame might tempt you, to re-kindle the relationship. Think long and hard, before retracing your steps. Singles! keep
the bar high and approach every new prospect with those standards in mind, you will be surprised who shows up
and measures up.
Health :
Dial up the necessary self-discipline! Unchecked stress will weaken your immune system and cause
previous health problems to resurface. Pay attention to health matters, and make sure to effectively deal with
whatever ailment that pops up on a mind-body-soul level. An early detection and prevention are always best.
Angel's Message :
"Soar into your wondrous life and never look back."
Cosmo Tip : Wear or carry a Labradorite crystal, for focus and to avoid any errors! |
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