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Remedial measures

This service is Free for Subscribers only.

What are Remedial measure?
You might come across many obstacles and problems that cause you worry and doubt. As we believe and have learned from our experience, certain precautions and remedies have to be taken in order to deal with such problems. We assure that you do not have to be miserable all your life if you strictly follow the instructions we prescribe for you.
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What do we do for you ?
Our adroit and experienced astrologers would suggest certain remedies that are aimed at rectifying your personal or professional problems. What is quite alluring is that these remedies come absolutely free of cost. Our expert astrologers prescribe a host of solutions and remedies from Lal-Kitab - an ancient book. They have been tried, practiced and appreciated for centuries for their easy and quick follow up.
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You Don't have to be miserable all your life !

Our expert astrogler will prescribe a "Lal-Kitab" or some other effective remedy for you. You are requested to strictly follow the instructions given below.

Have a look at some Case Studies and some Remedies
  • If you are a subscriber already, and would like to use the Remedial Measures Service, then please continue to the relevant section here.

  • In case you would like to subscribe online , please visit the section on Subscribing to Starteller Magazine.

  • In case you would NOT like to subscribe and would like to use this service, you may order for it online. It would cost you a fee of US $ 40.00. To order for this service, please see the ordering section.

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  • Non vegetarian food (eggs/fish/meat/prawns etc.) and alcohol should not be taken for the effectiveness of the remedies. The Remedies also expect good moral character which includes speaking the truth and no illicit relations with opposite sex.

  • Do one remedy at day time only (unless specified otherwise)

  • Each Remedy should be done at least 27 times (if not mentioned)

  • Although utmost care has been taken to select the remedies the writer and the publisher do not hold responsibility for the consequences.
You can send in your specific problem by Post also to us, along with a copy of your Horoscope. Your question should reach us by 7th of every month, and the answers will be published in the forthcoming issue. Our mailing address.
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