Golden Remedies of the Lal-Kitab
The magic of the red book |
The ancient book Lal-quitab was originally
from Persia, Iran now. Remedies suggested by this red book are easy
and effective. I will show you all, how the remedies are given and
how my clients got relief. These remedies are cheap and within the
reach of the common man.
Case 1 :
How to get a child?
This the horoscope of a lady born 8-8-1954, at 9:00 A.M. at
Kalka. See, the fifth house for children is under affliction
by three out of the five natural malefics. (i.e.) Ketu, Rahu
and Mars (8th aspect).
The fifth lord, Mercury is aspected by the hot planet, Mars.
This lady had not conceived for the last fifteen years and the
doctors declared that her uterus was not fully developed.
Remedy by the Lal-Kitab
She was advised to punch one copper coin daily for five days
(five coins in all) with a hammer and nail. She was advised to
drop the punctured coin in a flowing river. She conceived in a
The outcome:
She gave birth to a male child on 5-1-1991. |
Case 2 :
How to keep a job?
This is the horoscope of a lady born on 13-2-1995 on
13-2-1995 at 5.27 A.M. at Lucknow. Saturn is in the tenth
house. According to the Lal-Kitab, Saturn in the tenth makes
the horoscope blind (i.e.) the native never gets the award of
the talent possessed or recognition for the services rendered.
She was working as an adhoc lecturer in a degree college in
Lucknow. Some vacancies were advertised by the commission and
she applied for it. She was rejected for another candidate.
She wen t to the courts and lost. |
The lady in question who was selected in
her place reported to duty on Friday. The lady who lost the seat
requested to her successor to join two days later, (i.e.) on
Monday. Then she sought the help of the Lal-Ketab. |
Remedy by the Lal-Kitab
She was advised two treatments
Do Ganapathi Darshan for ten days to counter the affect of
She should drop four almonds daily for four days at a fixed
time in a graveyard. She was asked to start the remedies
The outcome:
When the new candidate arrived on Monday, she offended the
Principal and the manager. She was told to leave. The lady who
did the remedy was reinstated back. |
Case 3 :
How to Save your marriage?
This is the horoscope of a lady born on 18-8-1953 P.M. at
Varanasi. The seventh house lord, Moon, is debilitated. Mars a
natural malefic occupies the seventh house.
Her family life was disturbed and she opted for a divorce.
Since the case was lingering for two years she approached the
Lal-Kitab for an early divorce settlement.
Remedy by the Lal-Kitab
She was told to put four almonds daily in a cremation ground.
The outcome:
In the next hearing the boy came with a compromise formula
which was accepted by her father and her. Now both of them are
living together. A divorce was averted. |
Case 4 :
How to choose the Right Partner?
This is the horoscope of a lady who is depressed and
disappointed as her parents were against her marrying her
boyfriend. She reached out for the remedial measures in the
Remedy by the Lal-Kitab
To punch a copper coin with a hammer and nail and throw the
coin into a flowing river. We assured her that whatever she
decides, the next day, her parents will happily agree.
The outcome:
The next day she changed her mind and decided to marry the
boy her parents choose. |
Case 5 :
How to get a son?
The horoscope belongs to a lady doctor. She has two
lovely daughters but she desperately wants a male child.
Remedy by the Lal-Kitab
The beds are to be placed in a North/South direction, The
head towards the South and the feet toward the North.
She was advised to eat green moong or ladoos made out of it
All creepers and weeds to be removed from the lawn. Also,
flowers with feminine name should not be in the garden. Since
Jupiter is the lord of the fifth house, growing Marigolds will
be helpful.
The months, January and March 1989, were good months for
The outcome:
She gave birth to a healthy male child on 21-10-1989.
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