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2024: Year of Yang Wood Dragon "Jia Chen"
By S.BS.Surendran

(10 Feb.2024 - 28 Jan.2025)

Dragon is the 5th animal in the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and is part of the Earth Cycle in the cycle of the season of five elements in Feng shui. In the Year 2024, taking into account the elements in combine and clash based on the Feng shui Destiny Analysis known as the Four Pillars of Destiny or Bazi ( Phat chee), the two main elements for the year are Wood and Earth.

The Year 2024 is known as The Year of the Yang wood Dragon - Jia Chen.
Element Yang Earth relates to massive rocks. The characteristics of Yang wood are Strong resilient and stubborn like a tree, The year is a combination of strong Earth and strong Wood, which would be a exhaustive relationship. Hence it would be better to plan things for the future, rather than act impulsively; it would be a year to learn new skill and prepare the foundation for the future.

Industries, which may benefit are Fire industries like entertainment, trading, stock, petroleum, fine arts power , energy, entertainment, and Water industries like shipping, communication and transport. Wood industries are into not so prosperous cycle, and Metal industries like heavy engineering etc may face obstacles.

Adapting Feng shui, one can avert the difficult phase in store in the Year of the Dragon and mitigate its ill effects and move towards prosperity. Primary focus is to stay healthy, happy and contended, which would be quite achievable through proper Feng shui protection, both for the home and the occupants and the entire Zodiac.

In the year 2024, the Animal Signs receiving good support from the Year Zodiac are Pig, Ox, Snake,. The Animal Signs, which will have to protect and defend from the clash with the annual Zodiac Sign are Monkey, Dog, Horse and Dragon However, with proper protection and care, the afflicted Zodiac Signs can also smoothly sail through the year. These Zodiac Signs may carry Jade Rooster to mitigate the ill effects of the year.

Bullet  Place a Metal Wulou or suspend 6 Chinese coins with Red Tassel at the Southeast of the house, to overcome the #2 Illness star Place a pair of Black Obsidian Tortoise figurine.

Bullet  Suspend 6 Rods Metal Wind Chime at the West of your home, to counter the #5 Misfortune star, also referred to in Fengshui as Five Yellows'.

Bullet  Place a Red decor at Centre of the home and bedroom, to counter #3 Disputes/Quarrel/argument star.

Bullet  Place 3 Bamboo Stems in a Vase with water at South of the Living Room, to protect the house from Violence or Robbery star.

Bullet  Place Piggy Bank at East, to activate good luck and wealth.

Bullet  Place Rose Quartz Mandarin Duck at Northwest, to activate Relationship and Love Luck, including marriage prospects.

Adapting simple and practical Feng Shui tips for the home and the individual Zodiac, the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon can be transformed into a very auspicious and prosperous year.

In short, by adapting Feng Shui, we can sail through smoothly, as it is easy to surf with Feng Shui, than to fight the tides of time.
Articles Forecast for 12 Chinese Zodiac for 2024
Deduce Your Animal Sign, from your Year of Birth

RAT: (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

RAT Year ahead Overview: -
People born in the year of the Rat will experience slight dip in the Luck cycle. Empowered by lucky stars for wealth and relationship, you can move ahead smoothly. Good chances of career growth and improved luck! Stay calm and apply your mind, before you decide on any venture; be mindful of surroundings, and pay attention to safety.

Health :-
You are prone to feel exhausted. Mood swings would be causing discomfort. Adopt healthy regime with good exercise and diet controls. Do stay away from negative situations. Minor ailments may bother you on and off.

Career & Wealth :
Career Luck is promising and you will achieve a lot. Most issues will get resolved quickly; co-operate with your team. Good opportunity to enhance wealth and savings. Professional will have more targets to achieve, which in turn will activate better wealth-flow too.

Relationship & Love :
A better year with more mutual understanding between couples; those in relationship will find the year supportive. Try to spend more time with your spouse or the one you are dating, to strengthen the bond further.

Lucky Colors in 2024:
Yellow. Brown, Black & Blue.

Lucky Direction: -
Northeast & Northwest.

Supportive Zodiac : -
Ox, Pig.

Lucky charm for 2024 :-
Wear Yellow Jasper or display a figurine of Rat at North of the Living room.



OX : (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

OX Year ahead Overview: -
A lucky year with many supportive stars for Career and Wealth Luck! You will receive friendly help from those around you. The presence of Argument and Dispute Stars may get you entangled in controversies. Keep your plans close to your heart, and divulge, only when the time is ripe.

Health: -
This year, health issue will be minimal and no major concern is foreseen. Do take time to relax and pursue healthy regime like Yoga, walking etc. Positivity in relationship can boost happiness and well-being. Mental clarity will exist to motivate you to move on.

Career and Wealth :
Expert great support at work, and the Networking Luck improves. Follow the advice of Superiors, and learn from their experiences. Those in business can have more profits. Finances will be smooth, and you may be able to pay off your debts and invest in new purchases.

Relationships and Love: -
A year, when love and relationships will prosper! Singles can look for a partner. Those in relationship should be mindful of what they say or do. Be more appreciative and caring, with your partner.

Lucky Colors in 2024:

Blue, Black, Red and Orange.

Lucky Direction : -

North & Southeast.

Supportive Zodiac :-

Rat & Snake.

Lucky charm for 2024 :-

Carry Pink Quartz or wear a Bracelet of same material.



TIGER: (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Tiger Year ahead Overview: -
A year with mixed luck! Benefactors would come to your support and increase the business or revenue prospects. A year to acquire knowledge, and pursue new ventures. A year, where overseas travel and work will be more. Be careful in everything that you do, in order to avoid troubles.

Health :-
Stay positive, to ensure good mental health. Minor health ailments may bother you, and keep you feeling low. Consume more water, and adopt healthy life style and leisure activities.

Career & Wealth :
New work and responsibilities will keep you busy. Adjust your pace of work and be cautious of your business ventures. Wealth luck is good and inflow will be better. Plan long term investments too.

Relationship & Love : 
You will be appreciated and admired by many. Ensure your maintain good relationship with all and avoid neglecting those who care for you. Be more caring and patient with those who care and love you.

Lucky Colors in 2024:
Blue & Black.

Lucky Direction: -

Supportive Zodiac : -

Lucky charm for 2024 :-
Wear Black Obsidian or place Obsidian smooth Crystal Ball at Northeast of Living room.



RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

Rabbit Year ahead Overview:
A year you will find new opportunities amid changes, although it would be a Year of ups and downs. A year, where major decisions and changes can be anticipated. Staying focused will help to achieve your goals. Overall, keep low profile and sail through the year.

Prone to frequent bouts of illness and fluctuating luck. Mood swings would be one of the main issues; hence, be aware and control your temper and stress, as they can trigger health issues. Adopt healthy life styles.

Career & Wealth: -
New opportunities and work will come your way. Stay positive during difficult times, to achieve better results and gain confidence in your pursuits. Avoid wasteful or luxurious expenses, and hold on to your income.

Relationship & Love:
A year, when new relationships will evolve! You may stay aloof or drift away from close friends. Those in relationship should work towards improving their current relationships.

Lucky Colors in 2024:
Yellow, Brown Blue and Black.

Lucky Direction :
Northwest & Southwest.

Supportive Zodiac :
Goat & Pig

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Smoky Grey Quartz or rutilated Quartz bracelet will support you.



DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

DRAGON Year ahead Overview:
A year of clash, with unsupportive stars, causing fluctuation. There are both opportunities and obstacles in your career. You can look forward to achieve with bold determination and focus. Be cautious of health setbacks; stay patient and cautious, as you move ahead this year.

Health could be of major concern for yourself and that of elders. Stay positive against all adversities. Pay extra attention, when you are on the road, and avoid sharp tools. Hydrate yourself well.

Career & Wealth: -
Change of career or place is possible. Prone to negative emotions; hence be mindful of your thoughts and action. Avoid impulsive purchases or spending. Money-flow may be restricted; hence plan your expenditure and investments wisely.

Relationship & Love:
You may feel lonely, and those in relationship may have arguments and disputes. Find a right balance in your relationships. Singles need to exercise patience, till time is right for you.

Lucky Colors in 2024:
Blue, Black, White and Gold.

Lucky Direction :

Supportive Zodiac :
Rat & Roaster

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Wear a Tiger Eye bracelet or place a Tiger Eye ball at Southeast.



SNAKE: (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

SNAKE Year ahead Overview:
A good year filled with plenty of opportunities and fortunes! Positive approach will attract good luck. Avoid being laid back or complacent, nor go to other extreme. Take things easy; control your emotions, and move on in your life.

As Health Luck is good, all the past illness will subside and your stress will also reduce. Avoid worrying, and stay positive. Adopt healthy regime and indulge in exercise; de-stress yourself with more intake of liquids and water.

Career & Wealth: -
You can handle most situations at work very well, and gain recognition. Support your colleagues and those under you, as this will give you good recognition too. Involve in team building activities. Income will remain stable. New partners, particularly pertaining to education investments will fetch good returns.

Relationship & Love:
A year, wherein relationship will progress well with happiness star and renewed vigour. You will have a great year with your partner. Those married can plan to expand the family. Show more care for your partner and try to spend more quality-time with each other.

Lucky Colors in 2024:
White, Gold, Yellow and Brown.

Lucky Direction :
Northeast and West.

Supportive Zodiac :
Ox & Rooster.

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Wear Red Jasper Bracelet and place Red Jasper smooth ball at Northeast or West.



HORSE (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

HORSE Year ahead Overview:
A year of hard work, but you can expect great progress in career and business. Challenges at work can make you feel down; yet, keep moving, as things will work better, as the year progresses. Stay positive and focused, to handle any situation that you may encounter.

Be cautious of your health. Your emotions may make you feel low and disturbed, causing mood swings. Stay calm, and practise Meditation, and yoga exercises. Pay attention to road safety.

Career & Wealth: -
A good year at work, and you will succeed to achieve. Stay calm and humble, and have an attitude of staying grounded. Wealth Luck will be average, but you can achieve financial success, as career will improve. Save money for the times ahead and avoid high risk investments.

Relationship & Love:
A year, when emotional imbalance may be obvious. Singles are likely to get engaged , involved and commit. Those in relation may feel a bit low and those married may need to handle situation more carefully, to avoid misunderstanding.

Lucky Colors in 2024:
Yellow & Brown.

Supportive Zodiac:
Snake & Goat

Lucky Direction :
Southeast & Southwest.

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Wear a White Jasper Bracelet or White Jasper Sphere at Southwest.



GOAT: (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

SHEEP Year ahead Overview: -
A year of prosperity and good luck in all fronts! Help from benefactors will be extended, and you will gain the support of helpful people. Think before you make any important decision. Over all, you will do well and progress, this year.

Anxiety could make you feel low, hence rest well and adopt a lifestyle with balanced diet. Plan your schedule each day, to include fitness and yoga. Pay attention to what you consume, as you are prone to sickness, due to lifestyle and habits

Career & Wealth:
Career Luck is good, and your hard work will pay off. Those in business will get great prospects and progress in the pursuits. It is time to take responsibility and adorn leadership role. Expenses may be high, but you can work towards increasing your wealth-flow. Avoid investing in wasteful ventures.

Relationship & Love:
Benefactors will help you and extend support. Be mindful of what you speak, as it could disturb your relationship. Those in relationship or married may have a wildly swinging relationship situation. Put efforts to handle your relationship with your spouse work well.

Lucky Colors in 2024 :
Red & Orange.

Lucky Direction :
Southeast & Northwest.

Supportive Zodiac :
Snake & Pig.

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Wear White Jade Bracelet, or place a White Jade sphere at Northwest.



MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

HORSE Year ahead Overview: -
A year of moderate luck, with competition and obstacles showing up! You can achieve your goals; if you stay focused. Be careful of trouble-makers, who may try to bring you down. Inter-personal relationship will have negative impact.

Staying motivated will make you forge ahead. You may feel stressed, and your immune system may be affected, leading to frequent cough and cold. Adopt proper diet regime and good supplements.

Career & Wealth:
This year, you may face extreme work pressure and challenges. Be cautious of legal issues, and read documents carefully, before you sign on any documents. Wealth Luck is poor, and cash-flow may be choked; be careful, while spending money, as you need to plan for the low cycle.

Relationship & Love:
Social life looks promising. Your attitude may give an impression of being over-confident and stubborn; hence be careful and stay humble. Singles may not find their match; so keep trying. Those in relationship or married, should co-operate with their partners to avoid fallouts

Lucky Colors in 2024:
Red & Orange

Lucky Direction:
North & Southeast.

Supportive Zodiac :

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Wear clear Crystal Bracelet or place a pair of smooth clear Crystal Balls at North.



ROOSTER: (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993,2005, 2017)

ROOSTER Year ahead Overview: -
A year better than the previous one, wherein benefactors would extend help, and relationships will improve. Be mindful of your communication as you may offend people. Stay low profile and humble and be careful with your expenses.

Pay attention to your health, and take care of your immune system and diet. Ensure proper rest, and stay calm. Take extra care, while driving vehicles, and follow Road-safety rules.

Career & Wealth:
You will do well to impress your superiors, and due recognition will be rewarded. Be mindful, when interacting with team members, and avoid arguments. Expenses will mount; yet, you can manage things. Focus on your work or job, and stay contented with the earnings.

Relationship & Love:
Relationship Luck is good; in case of any misunderstandings, handle it by discussing with people, who matter, instead of arguing. Those in relationship can get married. Singles may find partners of their choice.

Lucky Colors in 2024:
Red & Orange.

Lucky Direction:

Supportive Zodiac :
Ox & Snake

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Wear Blue Lapis Bracelet and place Black Tourmaline Rock at Northeast.



DOG : (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994,2006, 2018)

DOG Year ahead Overview: -
A year, which would call for resilience and patience, to handle affairs. You may feel low, as things may not go as planned; yet by handling the affairs with intelligence, you can succeed. A year to build your career and pursue your goals and learn new skills!

Be careful of not immersing in negative emotions, as these can trigger ill health. Balance your work, and take ample rest. Spend more time in celebrating events, and stay positive. Spend time outdoors with family, to improve health, mood and your bondage.

Career & Wealth:
Work-competition may increases; stay cautious and don't act impulsively. Control your temper, and avoid arguments. Those in business can see better results. Wealth Luck will be average; hence manage your finances well. Avoid high risk investments.

Relationship & Love:
You may feel less-motivated. Be careful of what you speak and your action, as it could cause conflicts. Those in relationship may need to handle their partners with care, to avoid breakups.

Lucky Colors in 2024:
White & gold.

Lucky Direction:

Supportive Zodiac :

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Wear Green Jade smooth Crystal Ball at Northwest.



PIG: (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995,2007, 2019)

PIG Year ahead Overview : -
After consecutive years of issues, you will finally be in a year of great luck. Friends and well-wishers will extend help and support. Let go past, as new things will show up in your life, to make you happy, and usher in prosperity.

Health :
Overall health improves, and you will feel relaxed with less worries. Your attitude towards others and your life will change. Hence, control on your food intake, as excess indulgence can cause illness. Follow a schedule of exercise and relaxation without fail.

Career & Wealth :
Career Luck is excellent, and you will have an opportunity to display your talent and skills. Those in business can look forward to a fulfilling time. Adopt a honest approach in your finance and investments. Good wealth-flow can be expected; it is time to sale your earnings.

Relationship & Love :
A very good year, for relationship to improve! Those in relationship can plan to get married, Love is in air for singles. Those married will have a great year ahead.

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Yellow & Brown.

Lucky Direction :
Northeast & Southwest.

Supportive Zodiac :
Rabbit & Rat.

Lucky charm for 2024 :
Wear a Black Obsidian Bracelet or place Black Obsidian smooth Crystal Ball at North of Living room



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