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Economic Trends 2024
By Abishek Kedia


Last year in EST Jan 2023, in the write-up, "Economic Trends 2023", Astrological perspective for various counts was shared by me.

Below are the highlights of my prediction, which were accurate:
  • In US markets, compared to 2022, Interest rates were increased at a slower level, which gave some relief. Equity markets in 9 months saw a 4.82% growth from 33168 (3 Jan. 2023 closing) to 34768 (1 Sept. 2023), which is considered as consolidation.
  • Single Major Casualty event was predicted in US, which is ongoing due to Hawai Wild fire. These fires are still under investigation, with loss of lives, and 350+ missing.
  • USA and China had issues. Corporates in Space and Chip sector aligned with US govt. to tackle Chinese counterparts.
  • Chinese Stock market is down, more than by 5% till now, from 03 Jan. 2023 closing data. Revolt happened in China in the first 5 months; China's relation with neighbours did not soar much, because of Jupiter's 4th house transit.
  • In India, many Corporates and bureaucrats were raided by ED and Income Tax dept. A major corporate group scam is still there, which eroded 40% of its Market Capitalization.
  • Indian Banking sector, Textile sector did well, and Gold prices were Bullish. Entertainment industry revived and also received major international awards.
  • In Japan, Stock Market Index touched last 20 years' high, after revival in economy.
Now let us analyze what the stars hold for people of major economy in 2024 Gregorian Calendar year

Important points for this Astrological perspective
  • Because of difference in starting date of Solar year, the Western calendar and financial year of different countries, impact of financial nature looks complex, and the decision of each country also depends much on its geographical location and its political party tenures. Thus Transits, Yogas are given more importance than dasa cycle, because the dasa shows the probable results which can occur, and the transit shows execution time of any yoga, formed under Dasa Cycle.
  • Any major treaties signed between countries or trade agreement impacts long-term international trade of the country. So, major favourable and unfavourable Transit can show, if such agreement can be signed in that particular year. In an year, major impacts in economy happens, because of sudden rise in Investments from Global investors, Pandemic/Natural Disaster, passing of constitutional major bill etc.
  • Earlier, Physical Gold was major parameter for economy, but now weightage of Interest rates, Foreign Reserves and Stock Market Capitalization are accounted. Therefore different planet's karakatawa and Index calculation methods have to be considered.
  • Transit of Karaka planets for Natural Resources, Capital goods are taken in proportion to the GDP. E.g.; In India, Gold is estimated to be around of 1 trillion USD in physical form, which is equivalent to Market Capitalization of Apple and Amazon. So, If Jupiter is transiting in Rashi's like Capricorn, which makes Gold prices higher, it will not majorly impact India's Stock Market. Because, India's stock market and world markets are correlated with US and European markets, where Gold markets do not impact much.

In 2024, the world economy will not be driven by price action movements in Stocks, but based on strategies and allocation of Capital by global investors, in developed and emerging markets. India is already growing at faster pace in World market, and the top two giants US and China respectively will be at the same position. Saturn and Jupiter are in Fixed signs this year; Rahu and Ketu in Dual signs show proposals or new commitment by Head of different States, but not major agreements unless, those are back-dated.

United States of America (USA)
United States of America (USA) United States of America (USA)
Source: From the data of K.N.Rao

Asc 29°49' Leo U.Phalguni
Mars00°27' GeminiMrigasira
Mercury03°35' RcCancerPushya
Jupiter15°08' cGeminiArudra
Venus12°02' GeminiArudra
Saturn24°04' VirgoChitra
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Mars 2 years 3 months 11 days

Foundation horoscope of USA Changes in the Horoscope of USA, from 2023 to 2024 Calendar Year: Vimshottari dasa of Rahu and Antardasa of Saturn will be there in 2024. Rahu and Ketu have changed its axis from 3/11 to 2/8 house from Lagna. Jupiter will transit from Aries to Taurus sign, with its least Bhinnastak Varga.

Jupiter with least Bhinnastak Varga in 2024, though does not show much promise, it could rather bring some disappointments in Sports and any competitive areas, where USA will represent.

The start of Rahu-Saturn period can bring more challenges internationally to its Currency and some major Defence deal loss is seen.

Last year, many countries have gone in trade relations without US dollar, to de-stabilize the US currency and find it is alternative. There is a major chance that Saturn's antardasa can bring recession in US Stock Market and also major challenges to the Govt. to repay its debt.

Overall, the period of Saturn transiting over the country's Moon sign and Saturn antardasa shows less progress for US. People in the country will be more disappointed. Hope, that the country and its citizens will sail this year, with less disharmony.

Foundation horoscope of China
Foundation horoscope of India Foundation horoscope of India
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Moon 9 years 11 months 23 days

Source: Shri K.N.Rao

Foundation Horoscope of China Changes in the Horoscope of China, moving from 2023 to 2024 Calendar Year: Dasa and Antardasa lords (Mercury-Venus) will be the same; Rahu - Ketu will move from 3/9 axis from Makar Lagna and Jupiter will move to 5th house. This shows China will be more dominating and aggressive in its steps.

China allies and its neighbouring countries will not see any major war, but disputes and tensions will rise. The country will do good in international markets in Sports.

Stock market will consolidate, and no Bullish trend is expected until July 2024. Internet and Chemical stocks will do well. Rahu's transit, which comes to its natal position, may bring this result. Major turn in China's ideology and change in policy are also possible.

Govt will see major revelations against itself, from its significant position in their respective fields.

Natural major calamity is also seen this year. China might get support from Middle-east countries, as Jupiter is transiting its 5th house.

Foundation horoscope of India
Foundation horoscope of India Foundation horoscope of India
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Saturn 18 years 0 months and 26 days

Asc 07°46' Taurus Krittika
Sun 27°59' Cancer Aslesha
Moon 03°59' Cancer Pushya
Mars 07°27' Gemini Arudra
Mercury 13°40' Cancer Pushya
Jupiter 25°52' Libra Visakha
Venus 22°33' Cancer Aslesha
Saturn 19°59' Cancer Aslesha
Rahu 05°44' Taurus Krittika
Ketu 05°44' Scorpio Anuradha

Foundation Horoscope of India Changes in the Horoscope of India, moving from 2023 to 2024 Calendar Year: India is running under the period of Moon - Ketu; from July 2023, Moon - Venus will continue till 2025 March. Saturn is transiting the 10th house from Lagna and 8 th house from Moon. Jupiter will transit over natal Rahu, and Rahu-Ketu will transit 5/11 axis from Lagna and 3/9 axis from Moon. This year again, Corporates will see strict compliance from Income Tax authorities. Also, some major politician's revelation can come.

In election, NDA will have strong position, but single-sided victory is not seen, as per my analysis. Citizens will spend more, and savings will be less. Govt will make major decisions in reforming old traditions, and riots may also take place, along with natural calamities.

In Sports and Entertainment, India will do well, as Jupiter will transit the 11th house from Moon sign, and Rahu will transit 11th house from Lagna.

Stock market will see Bullish trend overall, and infrastructure will see good growth. Apart from these, there will also be many sectors, where small companies will do well. Saturn in the 8th house will obviously help to revive the debt-ridden companies and PSU sector, for sure.

Saturn in 8th house from Natal Sun, and Sun being the 4th lord and Karaka of Govt, we can expect other Parties gaining more seats in 2024. In transit, when Mars is opposite to Saturn, this situation will be more likely to happen.

Foundation horoscope of Germany (Reunification)
Foundation horoscope of Germany Foundation horoscope of Germany
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Mercury 7 years 6 months 18 days


Foundation Horoscope of Germany Changes in the Horoscope of Germany, moving from 2023 to 2024 Calendar Year: Germany will be in Rahu - Mars period in 2024. Jupiter will move in 6th house from Lagna and 3 rd house from Moon. Though this seems to be bad transit houses in horoscope, but transit will be in Taurus sign, where natal Sun, Venus and Retrograde Mercury are placed. Saturn will be in 3rd house from Lagna, and Sade-Sati phase will continue. Here impact can be more, because Moon in Navamsa is in Aquarius sign, and Saturn has direct aspect to this sign in the natal horoscope.

Though I have mentioned last year that Germany's Stock market does not attract global investors, the Transit of Jupiter over natal Venus, Mercury and Sun will impress the global investors, as valuations of Stock Market will be attractive. This also indicates a Bearish trend in the market.

Transit of Jupiter and Rahu can be favourable for Germany for foreign investments.

Foundaiton horoscope of Japan
Foundation horoscope of Japan Foundation horoscope of Japan
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Mars 0 years 7 months 13 days

Asc 07°20' Sagittarius Moola
Sun 15°00' Aries Bharani
Moon 05°29' Gemini Mrigasira
Mars 18°20' Libra Swati
Mercury 19°01' Pisces Revati
Jupiter 06°44' Aries Aswini
Venus 29°40' Pisces Revati
Saturn 16°27' Virgo Hasta
Rahu 04°27' Aquarius Dhanishta
Ketu 04°27' Leo Makha

Foundation Horoscope of Japan The start of Ketu Dasa in 2023 showed a major change, as Japan's Stock Market touched last 20 years high. Ketu is placed in own nakshatra in the 9 th house, and transited the 11th house and now 10th house. Though bought major shift, actual revival would not be possible.

In 2024, Ketu's transit over Saturn and Rahu's transit over Mercury and Venus show that the people of the country may see some medical emergency, due to some infectious diseases or major natural calamity.

Saturn being 8th lord from Moon and 2nd lord from Lagna shows that whatever the Japanese govt. tries, any kind of major shift can only happen, when Saturn crosses Natal Rahu, and move to 3rd house.

Overall, Japan will have almost a similar year.

Metals : Metal prices will consolidate across the world. Also, Saturn's current transit in Kumbha will make raw iron prices or Steel prices dearer. Competitive markets may adopt policies to boost its own economy through anti-dumping duty.

Stock Markets : Stock Markets will see Bearish trend or might consolidate. It is a good time for long term investment in a systematic manner. Indian stock market, though can see Bullish trend for a short period due to election, but transit of Rahu and Jupiter 2/12 axis across the world will bring a shift in market sentiments.

Oil : Oil prices will be Bullish, as Saturn and Rahu are coming closer. Jupiter in 2/12 axis will make oil prices go higher for the first 6 months and then consolidate.

Gold : Gold, which has already seen a run-up in 2023, will see consolidation and only after June 2024, Gold prices will be Bullish. Although in today's time, Gold prices are not directly related to demand and supply, it is in major proportion to percentage in assets.

In 2024, the world economy will not be driven by price action movements in Stocks, but based on strategies and allocation of Capital by global investors, in developed and emerging markets. India is already growing at faster pace in World market, and the top two giants US and China respectively will be at the same position. Saturn and Jupiter are in Fixed signs this year; Rahu and Ketu in Dual signs show proposals or new commitment by Head of different States, but not major agreements unless those are back-dated.
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