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2025 Economic Scenario
By Sachin Malhotra


Last year in EST Jan 2024, in the write-up, "Economic Trends 2024", Astrological perspective for various counts was shared by me.

In Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar, 'Graha Yoga Prakrana', Adhyay, Slokas 49 and 50, say that conjunction of malefic planets like Saturn-Rahu or Saturn-Rahu-Mars in Sagittarius (Dhanu) or Pisces (Meena) Rasi brings 'Durbhiksha' i.e. recession as per modern interpretation. In the same book's 'Shani-Chaar-Phalam' Adhyay, in Sloka 15, it is mentioned that transit of Saturn from Pisces sign brings 'Durbhiksha' and it is bad for farmers and also brings less rainfalls.
Jupiter, as we all know, is 'Dhanakaraka' (signifying finances); so when its signs Sagittarius and Pisces get afflicted by natural malefic planets (Saturn, Rahu, Mars or Ketu) in transit, then that period can bring an economic crisis in the world. In year 2025, the transiting Saturn will reach Pisces sign on 30th March, and it will be in a conjunction with Rahu there. Nodes always move in Retrograde motion and Rahu will be at 3 degrees and 12 minutes on 30th March; so the close degree conjunction of Saturn-Rahu will take place, soon after Saturn's entry into Pisces sign.

Natural calamities and economic crisis foreseen:
In the Summer of 2025, a major cyclone, Tsunami and an economic crisis will affect many countries of the world, particularly USA, India and East Asian countries. Saturn-Rahu conjunction in Pisces will take place in the star Purvabhadra (4th Pada), which signifies the North direction. During the months of April-May, when the transiting Mars will be in Cancer, a Watery sign, in trine from the Saturn-Rahu conjunction in Pisces, then some major cyclones and/or a Tsunami will affect India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and also possibly some parts of the USA. There will be Stock market crisis in USA, which will affect the entire world, in a significant manner. In the Hindu (Lunar) New Year horoscope of 2025, we can see the conjunction of luminaries (the Sun and the Moon), along with Mercury (Karaka for Stock market), Venus and also Rahu.

Horoscope of Hindu New year 2025
Horoscope of Hindu New year 2025 Horoscope of Hindu New year 2025

The conjunction of important planets, including King of the Year, the Sun, in the 8th house of the Hindu New Year horoscope for India shows a fall of the government and a possible economic slowdown and a scandal. The 2nd house of finances has Ketu, afflicted by the aspect of malefic Mars, which is Yogakaraka also; so, after the sudden fall of Stock markets in the summer, there will be some recovery also in the end of the year. Indian economy is growing at the rate of impressive 7.2% in 2024, but in 2025, its growth rate may comes below 7% due to a major political crisis, fall of government and a natural calamity, affecting the consumer-confidence.

Foundation Horoscope of USA
Foundation Horoscope of USA Foundation Horoscope of USA

Foundation horoscope of USA A Total Lunar eclipse on the 13-14 of March 2025 will fall in Leo sign, which is the ascendant of the Foundation horoscope of USA. The USA is undergoing a tough Vimsottari period of Rahu-Saturn from November 2023 to September 2026. The placement of 6th (conflicts and debts) and 7th (war) lord Saturn in the 2nd house of finances is not good. The USA has been spending huge amount in military aid to Ukraine in its war against Russia's invasion, which is ongoing since February 2022.

The Maha Dasa lord Rahu in the 12th house shows more expenditure and some losses also. The period from 12 July 2025 to 7 October 2025 (Rahu-Saturn-Moon) in the Foundation horoscope of USA shows economic slowdown in the country, and it will bring job-losses for many, particularly in the IT sector.

Foundation Horoscope of Russia
Foundation Horoscope of Russia Foundation Horoscope of Russia

Foundation Horoscope of Russia In the Virgo lagna foundation horoscope of Russia, the Maha Dasa of 7th (war) and 4th (ruler throne) lord Jupiter has started on the 13th February 2024. On that day, the transiting Jupiter was in Aries, getting the bad aspect of 8th lord Mars from Capricorn and 6th lord Saturn from Aquarius. The double affliction of natural malefic planets (Mars and Saturn) to the Maha Dasa lord Jupiter at the time of Dasa Pravesh (on set of Maha Dasa) is a bad sign for Russia. In the month of March 2024, and then in June 2024, Russia suffered with two deadly terror attacks on its soil, in which large number of people were killed.

Ukraine also started attacking Russian border cities in August 2024 and gave her many setbacks in the war. Russia's war losses will continue throughout 2025, particularly in the 2nd half of the year. Jupiter- Jupiter period for Russia till April 2026 is not good, as Jupiter is a functional malefic from both lagna and the Moon, and it is in the Navamasa of Mars. The economy of Russia will be under immense pressure due to war with Ukraine, which is not likely to end till 2026.

Foundation Horoscope of Germany
Foundation Horoscope of Germany Foundation Horoscope of Germany

Foundation Horoscope of Germany At present, Germany is the only G-7 country, who's economy has shrunk in the year 2023, and in 2024, its growth-rate was below average of advance economies. The farmer's protest, skilled labour shortage, low private investment etc. have been troubling Germany, like some other industrialist countries of the world. As per the Foundation horoscope of Germany, Mercury Dasa and Venus Antardasa from November 2022 to September 2025 has been tough for the country. Both Mercury and Venus are Functional malefics for the Cancer lagna Foundation horoscope of Germany.

Venus is combust by the Sun in Rasi chart, but since it is exalted in Navamasa, towards the fag-end of Venus Antardasa it can give some good results. At present, the transiting Saturn is hovering over the natal Moon in Aquarius in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, in the Foundation chart of Germany, which is not good, as the Moon is in Kemadruma Yoga here.
In Germany, the elections are due in September 2025, in which the current Chancellor Olaf Scholz (14 June 1958, 15:00 hours at Osnabruck, Germany) is expected to face a defeat in his Saturn- Sun period, which is bad for his Virgo lagna chart. This political change in Germany will bring a new government, after September 2025, and its economy will start recovering from the current slow down in the Mercury Dasa and Sun Antardasa later, post September 2025. Notice the strong 2nd lord Sun, along with two natural benefic planets in the Foundation chart of Germany given here.

Foundation Horoscope of China
Foundation horoscope of China Foundation horoscope of China

Foundation Horoscope of China The economy of China is struggling, due to its notorious 'Zero COVID Policy', which its autocratic Communist government implemented, during 2020-22. In July 2024, the official data of GDP growth rate was below 5%, which was less than the estimates of the government. China's growing clashes with the West and its own domestic troubles have created a situation of 'low consumer confidence' in the country. Mercury Dasa and Venus Antardasa is running in the Foundation horoscope of China from February 2023 to December 2025.

Mercury is the lord of 9th house and 6th house. As per Jataka Tattwam, Mercury in the 9th house afflicted by malefic gives "Kapti Yoga". In the Foundation chart of China, the affliction to the Mercury in the 9th house of social ethics and government policies is a dangerous combination. Mercury is retrograde and is combust by 8th lord Sun and also Ketu. This makes China a deceitful country, which constantly abuse international laws. The Antardasa lord Venus is afflicted by the aspects of two hard malefic planets Mars and also Saturn. But Venus is in own Navamasa; so towards the fag end of its Dasa i.e. in 2025, we can hope for some good results for Chian's economy.
There will be some improvement in China's economy during 2025, as its Hindu New Year chart (29 March 2025, 18:57 hours at Peking, China) has good Rasi Parivartan Yoga of 7th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Venus in Virgo lagna chart. But political disturbances in China will come due to Mars in the 10th house of the Hindu New Year chart. China's army may also involve in border clashes with India and also some other country towards its West.
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