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Celestial Dramas 2025
By R.S.Maniam

In 2025, Saturn in Moolatrikona sign Aquarius is good. Jupiter transiting the prajhapathi mandala may open new financial possibilities. The Pisces Pentagon effect creates a stellium in Pisces, that could change history.

JanSaturn aspects Mercury; engineering marvels. Towards the end of the month, an epidemic is possible, and some climatic extreme phenomena may occur.65%
FebVenus-Rahu conjunct; marriage discords; better financial market, as Jupiter becomes Direct.60%
MarchLunar eclipse with Venus retrogression. Saturn-Sun conjunction; troubles in monarchruled countries, and large democracies. Solar eclipse point in Pisces.55%
AprilMars is debilitated in the watery sign of Cancer. Planets are clustered in Pisces, with Venus and Mercury retrograde, leading to gossip about celebrities. An assassination attempt is possible.50%
MayA strong graha-mllika from Pisces to Cancer, good progress economic-wise.65%
JuneMars conjunct Ketu in Leo. Not favourable for royal families. Some violent events are possible.70%
JulySaturn turns Retrograde in Pisces, causing potential catastrophes, losses, landslides, flash floods, and drowning. Mars aspects Saturn in Pisces, indicating military exercises at sea.65%
AugustSaturn is in exact opposition to Mars in Virgo. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, accidents.65%
SepRahu, Jupiter, and Mars will be positioned in Airy signs, indicating a significant advancement in the air travel industry, deep space exploration, and new scientific discoveries in technical communication.70%
OctWith the Saturn-Sun opposition, monarchs, senior government officials, and the political landscape may change. All Superior planets are in Watery signs, Tsunami-related incidents.60%
NovPlanetary alignments in Watery and Airy signs suggest extreme weather, floods and mysterious events. Saturn's Direct movement on 28 Nov. 2025 may ease fears of loss.60%
DecThe year-end will see situations being quite unstable. The following countries, states will be in the limelight due to political changes: Arab countries, Australia, Hungary, Spain, provinces of France, Madagascar, Toronto, and Uttar Pradesh.65%

Longitudes of planets 1 Jan. 2022-2025

January 2025

The Gregorian year 2025 starts on Wednesday, with the Vedic day being Tuesday. The Hora of Venus and Sukla Pratipada are governed by deity Kameshwari. The Hora lord is Venus. Venus is positioned with Saturn, receiving the 8th aspect of Mars in debilitation. The year commences with the Moon and Sun in the fiery sign Sagittarius. In the Taurus house of Venus. Jupiter and Mars are in retrogression in Taurus and Cancer, respectively. Mercury is in the sign of Mars, Scorpio; Mars is located 9th from Mercury. Saturn's 10th aspect falls on Mercury. Mercury is 8th from Aries, in the house of Mars. The year will pave the way for more technical exploration in the engineering field, chemical engineering, oil and ocean exploration, and deepsea incidents that are unavoidable.
4 Jan. 2025, Mercury moves to Sagittarius and joins the Sun, forming Nipuna yoga. Arudra darshan falls on 13 Jan. 2025, followed by a Full Moon on 14 Jan. 2025. The Full Moon falls in the constellation of Punarvasu at 29:47p . Sun moves to the sign of Capricorn on 14 Jan. 2025. Makara Sankranthi Sun receives the 7th aspect of Mars. During this period, political aggression, Violent happenings such as bombing, may arise. Mars will come close to earth in transit on 16 Jan. 2025
On 19 Jan., Venus-Saturn conjunction happens at 22p in Aquarius in the constellation of Purvabhadra 1st pada in the Navamsa of Aries. A tendency of Aerial accidents, air travels may show some unexpected incidents. Mars moves to Gemini on 25 Jan. in Retrogression. Mars aspects Mercury in the war sign of Sagittarius, religious conflicts are possible. Saturn, and Mars are in the Airy signs of Aquarius and Gemini tornadoes, typhoons, or volcanic eruptions and train accidents are likely. Venus joins Rahu on 27 Jan., causing potential risks like epidemics, river overflows, heavy rains, while the new Lunar month of Krodhi Magha begins on 29 Jan. 2025.

February 2025

Venus and Rahu conjunction occurs in the sign of Pisces at 3° in the constellation of Uttara Bhadrapada 1st pada, in the Navamsa of Leo. This may lead to divorces among celebrities. On the positive side, expensive luxurious marriages are likely. Venereal diseases or the spread of it among cattle are likely. The world of press, multi-media, may leak important news about controversial elements. Jupiter becomes Direct on 5 Feb. 2025. Good diplomatic relations, better financial markets are possible. Mercury joins Saturn in Aquarius on 11 Feb. 2025. The monthly Full Moon will fall on 12th. Sun/Mercury/Saturn association occurs, as the Sun moves to Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign, ruled by Saturn; deep sky exploration, distance planets communication through artificial intelligence etc. Socialism, humanitarianism may be voiced out in war-stricken countries or international forums. Extreme weather conditions may emerge. Mars becomes Direct on 24 Feb. at 22p in Gemini, marking significant improvement in sensitive issues, military exercises, and war issues. Special recognition is likely to uniformed staff in police, medical fraternity for their services. The new Lunar month of Krodhi Phalguna begins on 28th.

March 2025

On 2nd, Venus turns Retrograde in the sign of Pisces at 16° in the constellation of Uttara Bhadrapada, (4th pada), in the Navamsa of Pisces. Two Watery signs become prominent, during the commencement of Retrogression. At the beginning of the month, watch the Moon, Venus, Rahu, and Mercury in association in the sign of Pisces. This combination, while Venus is exalted, may lead to extreme involvement in gambling, disappointment in money transactions, or even unexpected losses. Since Pisces is a watery sign, coastal events leading to loss of lives may occur.
Saturn and Sun's exact conjunction happens on 12th around 27p in Aquarius and involving the Gemini Navamsa. Since this conjunction happens in Airy signs, significant changes may occur, and the air travel industry may experience greater expansion, while facing crucial incidents too at times.
The monthly Full Moon will occur on 14th in the constellation of Uttara Phalguni 1st pada. A Total Lunar eclipse will occur on this day, falling at 29p in the constellation of Uttara Phalguni 1st pada in the Navamsa of Sagittarius. Spiritual observances are advocated, and royals and people in politics may fortify their standing and influence.
On 15th, Sun joins Rahu, debilitated Mercury, and retrograde Venus in the exaltation of Venus. Mercury turns retrograde at this point at 15p in the Navamsa of Scorpio, making Watery signs prominent. The time around this period is conducive to water-related activities. The new Lunar year of Viswa Vasu (Chaitra) will begin. A Solar eclipse also falls on 29th. Saturn moves to Pisces on 30th; thus five planets will be associated in the sign of Pisces.

April 2025

Mars moves into the sign of Cancer and becomes debilitated. Pisces is occupied by four planets, thus five planets in a Watery sign. Mercury becomes Direct on 8th at 2° in Pisces. The monthly Full moon falls on 13th. Venus also becomes Direct on this day. On 13th, the Sun moves to Aries, marking the beginning of the Solar Year Viswa Vasu; almost six planets occupy Watery signs. Mars is in Cancer, and Saturn, Mercury, Venus, and Rahu are in Pisces. The new Lunar month Viswa Vaishaka begins on 28th. Planets in watery signs may induce heavy rains in certain areas, leading to water-related natural disasters such as typhoons, tornadoes, and landslides.

May 2025

Early in the month, Pisces and Cancer will be occupied by six planets again. On 6th Mercury moves to Aries. Sun and Mercury in Aries indicate good times for communication, problem-solving, business settlements, medical upgrades, and new types of medication. The monthly Full Moon will fall on 12th. A good Adhiyoga formed during this time will bring success in many fields. Jupiter moves to Gemini, a dual sign, on 15th, with the Sun moving to Taurus. On 22nd, Moon moves to the sign of Pisces and meets Rahu, Sun, Venus, and Mars debilitated in Cancer, another Watery sign. Thus, five planets are in the watery signs. A Graha Malika forms from Pisces to Cancer. This may point to expenses, luxury expenditure, loss, and theft in financial institutions. It also indicates unlawful abuse of funds through the wrong channels, as Rahu joins the planets. However, charitable acts are possible, as the sign of Pisces is owned by Jupiter. Mercury moves to Taurus on 23rd and joins the Sun in the Earthy sign. Financial institutions will be stimulated. Agriculture sectors, mining, and plantation may become a focus. The Lunar month of Viswa Jyestha begins on 27th. Dual signs of Pisces and Gemini have more planets in transit, foretelling developments in communication, aerial communication, and the launch of crafts. Rahu moves to Aquarius and Ketu to Leo on 30th, followed by Venus moving to Aries. Venus will be clearly visible in the eastern sky befor Sunrise, as Venus will be almost 46p behind Sun.

June 2025

On 6th, Mercury moves to its own house in Gemini, and joins Jupiter. Gemini is an intellectual sign, and Rahu trines it from Aquarius. It is a good time for diplomatic summits, to promote understanding among world leaders. Trade will improve, businesses will enhance, and even Gold prices may rise. Distance communication and extra-terrestrial correspondence, as well as alien encounters, may be further explored.
On 7th, Mars moves to Leo and meets Ketu in the royal sign of Leo. The Full Moon will be on 11th. Sun joins Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini on 15th. Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury in Gemini are superb association. This will increase networking between Nations, resolve conflicts, enhance trade dealings, and also communication in both space exploration and distant communication. A big-time private sector involvement can be expected, especially equivalent to the international space station. Since Jupiter, Sun, Mercury association is trine to another Airy sign, distant planets exploration, spacecraft, remote exploration will be more evident. Another Grahamalika will be formed from Aquarius to Leo. On 23rd, Mercury moves to Cancer. The new Lunar month of Ashada will commence on 25th. Around the end of the month, Ketu/Mars/Moon will join in the royal sign. This is a risky period for the health of the Royal family, politicians, and conflicts within the Nation such as aggression, violence, and shootings are possible. Venus moves to Swati Nakshatra on 30th, receiving the 3rd aspect of Saturn.

July 2025

Saturn turns Retrograde in the sign of Pisces on 13th. It turns Retrograde in the constellation of Uttara Bhadrapada (2nd pada) at 7°43' in the Navamsa of Virgo. Saturn receives the 8th aspect of Mars from Leo. Since Mars is in the fiery sign of Leo, and Saturn is in the watery sign of Pisces, which is the 12th sign from Aries, there is a tendency for devastating catastrophe, as long as Mars' aspect is possible, until Mars moves away from Virgo. Sun joins Mercury in the sign of Cancer. Mercury turns Retrograde in Cancer on 18 July 2025. Mercury turns Retrograde at 21°21' in the constellation of Aslesha. Public dissatisfaction, leadership criticism, shrewd leadership, and public reactions via media are possible. Land issues, water supply, and environmental issues will arise due to the involvement of watery signs, leading to climatic changes, sea territory disputes, military exercises, and environmental concerns. The Lunar month of Viswa Vasu Sravana begins on 25th. On 26th, Venus and Jupiter come together in Gemini. On 29th, Mars moves to Virgo, and mutual 7th aspect between Mars and Saturn. The Opposition occurs in unstable mixed signs. Apparently, Moon also joins Mars, a dreadful period may start.

August 2025

A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Capricorn at 22°47' in the constellation Sravana (4th pada) on 9th. On the same day, Saturn is in exact opposition to Mars in Virgo, which may trigger volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, violent events, riots, aggression, and railway and runway accidents. Around the second week of August, Moon and Saturn will oppose Mars in Kanya, the exact opposition will occur on 9th causing distress and anxiety among people. Women suppression and violence may increase, and women leaders can become victims. However, Mercury will go Direct on 11th. During this period, major planets will be in the mutable signs. A phenomenal line-up of planets--Saturn (Watery sign), Jupiter, Venus (Airy sign), and Mars (Earthy sign)---all in unstable signs, an unexpected crack, military intervention, and some unfortunate natural events can be expected. Sun moves to the Royal sign of Leo, joining with Ketu. This will increase royal influence over governments. On 21st, Venus moves to Cancer and joins Mercury, which augurs well for celebrities. Marriages and Hollywood events may be in the limelight. The new Lunar month Viswa Vasu Badrapada will begin on 23rd. On 31 Aug. 2025, Sun/Mercury/Ketu join in Leo, heightening the royal celebrations and governmental supremacy.

September 2025

A Lunar eclipse is scheduled to happen on 7 Sept. in the sign of Aquarius. This eclipse will be influenced by Jupiter from Gemini. The lunar eclipse will occur in the constellation of Purvabhadra pada 1st pada, Navamsa of Aries. Mars will move to the sign of Libra on 14th. Rahu, Jupiter, and Mars will be positioned in Airy signs, indicating a significant advancement in the air travel industry, deep space exploration, and new scientific discoveries in technical communication, computers, and longdistance communication. Mercury will shift to Virgo on 17th. The 7th aspect of Saturn will fall on Virgo, leading to a Saturn-Sun, Mercury opposition. This alignment may bring about great improvements in Information technology and analytical engineering. The 6th house of the Zodiac, in opposition to Saturn, could suggest issues with labour, national expenditure, and outbreaks affecting cattle and farming. Saturn comes close to Earth on 21st. The Lunar month of Viswa vasu Aswayuja will commence on 22nd.

October 2025

On 3rd, Mercury joins Mars in Libra. Now Mercury, Rahu, Mars, and Jupiter are in Airy signs. Around the first week of October, significant improvements in internet services and mobile technology, collaboration in major technology affairs, renewable energy, deep space exploration, and alien encounters are possible. Venus moves to a debilitation sign on 9th. Now Saturn's seventh aspect falls on Venus and Sun. Senior celebrities may fall ill. Some divorce news may be in the limelight with Saturn-Sun opposition, monarchs, senior government officials, and the political landscape may change. Political situations in some countries may turn controversial. Sun moves to the debilitation sign of Libra on 17th. Mars/Mercury and Sun are in association. Some important documents may leak, riots in some countries; since in an Airy sign aerial explosion, volcanic rupture, towering inferno, gaseous leak may endanger nature and the environment. On 18th, Jupiter moves to exaltation. It aspects Pisces, its own sign, where Saturn is transiting. The world will see a penacure, and a total shift of luck, recovery and gains are possible. A philosophical leader may bring new light and hope to people. Viswa Vasu Karthika new Lunar month will begin on 21st. Mercury and Moon move to Scorpio and receive the fifth aspect of Jupiter. Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury are in Watery sign, climatic changes, unexpected natural disasters due to heavy waterflows, typhoons, and bursts of dams may occur. Similarly, the good fifth aspect of Jupiter falls on Mercury and the 9th aspect of Jupiter falls on Saturn in Pisces. The water signs of Scorpio and Pisces receive a good aspect of Jupiter. The trine aspect between Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces will augur well. Deep exploration, water sports, deep-sea engineering, water resources, irrigation, sea vegetation, will get scientific attention. Mars enters Scorpio on 28th. All superior planets in Watery signs, another milestone in history, especially Water resources in extra-territorial areas, may be given attention. Tsunami-related incidents are possible, which may become related to history.

November 2025

Venus aligns with Sun in Libra on 2nd. A Full Moon occurs in Aries on 5th, at 19°10', in the constellation of Bharani 2nd pada. Mercury goes Retrograde on 10th. Jupiter's 5th aspect aligns with Retrograde Mercury. However, planets align in Watery signs and Airy signs, potentially leading to extreme weather conditions and climatic changes. Mysterious events are also anticipated. Jupiter goes Retrograde on 12th, at 00°55' Punarvasu (4th pada). During this time, Jupiter in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio, Saturn in Pisces are significant planets in Retrogression in Watery signs. A significant flood in world history could be triggered. The Sun enters Scorpio on 16th, and aligns with Mars /Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio. Five planets in Watery signs with Jupiter 5th and 9th aspect affecting them; public health, epidemics, water sources may become sources of panic and fear. The Lunar Month of Viswa vasu Margasirsha commences on 20th. Mercury retrogrades back to Libra, and joins Venus again. Venus enters Scorpio on 26th. Saturn goes Direct on 28th, alleviating fear of loss.

December 2025

On 5th, Jupiter in retrogression moves back to the sign of Gemini. Jupiter's 5th aspect falls on Mercury in Libra, and a trine disposition between Jupiter, Mercury, and Rahu occurs. Good literary presentation, improvement in aerial communication, and information exchange may take a new form. Diplomatic talks are possible. On 6th, Mercury moves to Scorpio, and joins with Mars, Sun, and Venus, forming a trine with Saturn in Pisces. Watery signs are occupied by five planets. During this time, there could be signs of heavy storms, floods, landslides, hurricanes, or tornadoes. Since Mars is in the Watery sign of Scorpio with Sun, Mercury, and Venus, climatic changes and more wet weather are expected. On 7th, Mars moves to Sagittarius, and 4th aspect falls on Saturn in Pisces. Mars' 8th aspects fall on Cancer and 7th aspects on Jupiter in Gemini. Mars aspect both Saturn (Pisces -water) and Jupiter (Gemini-Air). Major planets in Airy, Fiery and Watery signs from mutual squaring, probably indication of major breaks or alteration in climatic or environmental conditions. On 16th Sun moves to War sign of Sagittarius, with two fiery planets in Sagittarius. The new Lunar month of Viswa Vasu Pushya begins on 20th. On 21st Venus ingresses to Sagittarius joining Mars, Sun, and Moon. Six planets will occupy the dual signs Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini. Saturn's 10th aspect falls on Sagittarius. During this period, active religious movements are noted. Places of worship will become point of attention, including the churches, Death of senior politician, celebrity could occur. Christmas (25th), will be celebrated, while Moon transits Aquarius, joining Rahu, and having good harmonious aspect with Jupiter. Mercury will join a number of planets in the mutable signs on 29th. The year-end will see situations to be are quite unstable, and major planets Mars, Saturn, Jupiter are in mutable signs. The sign of Sagittarius will be a point of attention. The following countries will be limelighted, because of changes politically: Arab countries, Australia, Hungary, Spain, Provinces of France, Madagascar, Toronto, Uttar Pradesh

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