Dr.D.Raja Ganesan
The Dreams of a
We take up for discussion the detailed report of the five
consecutive dreams Mr.S.R.C, has had in a single night.
Mr.S.R.C, 37, Unmarried, had his education for the medical
profession, but voluntarily gave up a career in Medicine in order to
do full-time sadhana through Raja-yog. First he began on his own
with dhyana sadhana and practised for a year. Subsequently, he has
been formally initiated into Raja Yoga sadhana by a house holder
guru. "In spite of having an otherwise excellent gurudeva",
of late Dr.S.R.C. is being plagued by anxieties and doubts.
In his first Dream: |
Dr.S.R.C. asks Saint Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa why he was not progressing in sadhana and what he
should do about it. Sri Ramakrishna says "something about
the 8th house".
Dr.S.R.C. does not understand its import and wonders whether it
has something to do with the 8th house of astrology which deals
with occult matters.
Suddenly another siddha saint of 19th-20th century Varanasi to
whose "order" Dr.S.R.C. belongs appears and repeats "the
8th house". Dr.S.R.C. requests him to explain it but "the
8th house" is all that he repeats. |
Dr.S.R.C. wants to understand the meaning of
the sages reply "the 8th house". He also wants to know
whether this dream could be more than just a fancy of his
unconscious, or "perhaps a true mystical experience".
Dr.S.R.C. discovering the meaning of a dream consists in inserting
the text of the dream into the context of the dreamers ongoing
biography. This is to be done, in the first instance, by producing
free associations from relevant and significant elements in the
dream and linking them up with elements/situations in the
wake-state. I have described this method in detail in the September
1996 issue if EST. Your dream is also most appropriate for the
application of what is called the dialogue technique.
The dialogue technique consists in carrying on an imaginary
conversation in the wake state with the dream figures. In your case,
you will most probably begin the dialogue with the following
question: Dr.S.R.C.: Swami (Ramakrishna), why did thou appear in my
Then you will assume yourself to be Saint Ramakrishna (it means no
blasphemy in this context, you can rest assured on that) and utter
as the reply whatever comes to you spontaneously, without second
thought or hesitation, If the reply is irrevalant, incomplete or
unsatisfactory you must revert and become yourself, derive the next
question from this reply and thus proceed till it results in what is
called an aha experience - a mini-stori- of discovering something
that is at once surprising and obvious. You will repeat the same
exercise - perhaps, with a different series of questions - with your
present guru (Remember, this is only an imaginary conversation
mono-acted by yourself!)
The answer for your second question under this dream is dependent
on the first. Again, as the Mother (of Sri Aurobindo Ashram) has
indicated in an identical context of dream interpretation, first
exhaustively search within yourself for an answer to a question
about the meaning of your dream before you go outwards or for occult
explanations. |
This dream of yours indicates that you
have an ambivalent (a mixture of both positive and negative)
attitude towards your present guru. If you compare the measure
of your progress on your own before you come under your guru
with what you have since achieved in a calm and dispassionate
way, it may help you gain better perspective. Your letter
attests that you do have an open-Dr.S.R.C. asks Saint
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa why he was not progressing in sadhana
and what he should do about it.
Sri Ramakrishna says "something about the
8th house". Dr.S.R.C. does not understand its import and
wonders whether it has something to do with the 8th house of
astrology which deals with occult matters. Suddenly another siddha
saint of 19th-20th century Varanasi to whose "order"
Dr.S.R.C. belongs appears and repeats "the 8th house".
Dr.S.R.C. requests him to explain it but "the 8th house"
is all that he repeats. mind which is willing to observe critically
and scrutinize closely well-established and received, traditional
beliefs in the light of your individual experience and change them
when this is warranted. This is really a valuable quality. Keep it
up and it will stand you in good stead.
If you feel it wont interfere with your sadhana you may keep up a
dream diary and regularly practise dream understanding exercises. I
have indicated in the same column in the June 1997 issue (pp.59-60)
the relationship and difference between dream understanding and
meditation. They could be complementary. I may add here that the
Mother began this practice of recording her dreams and she says she
could begin to see its effects only after fourteen months.
Of course, no hard and fast prescriptions can be made in these
matters - especially in the case of those those who have already
under-taken sadhana, and certainly not from a distance, without any
occasions for face-to-face interaction.
But your second dream in which
two well-built sadhus are
self-administering shocktherapy of high voltage but applied low
voltage to you when you sought the same (shock therapy)
experience |
indicates that your psyche is set and ready for a modulated
progress, not for one in a rigid and hurried time-frame. The answers
for the two questions you have raised are to be discovered by
yourself-mostly by the free association technique.
Yes, the threads of your first, second and third dreams are in
tandem. The content of the third dream in which
You encounter your erstwhile Professor of
Surgery in the Calcutta tube railway (I am glad you have
noticed the anomaly of seeing a lot of country on either side
though you are travelling underground: try to eke out its
significance because, often anomalies have latent but powerful
significance), who informs you that you have travelled past your
destination. |
as you have surmised, must be an echo of your
excelling performance of the occult Kriya together with your gurus
reactions thereto earlier. Your first two questions under this dream
have been partly answered here, I believe.
As to why you should feel apprehensive that you have travelled
farther than you are entitled to is difficult to answer from the
information you have provided: perhaps, you unconsciously evince a
hesitation about transgressing the limits prescribed by your guru
for your progress. Do you get an insight when you link up by free
association - as I would do, for example - guru - authority figure -
Professor of Surgery - Shock Therapy - Intravenous Fluids - a year -
two other sadhus giving your milder voltage electroconvulsive
therapy? Why should this sadhu be ash-smeared? Who does he look
Pursue such chains of free associations from each of the elements -
like "ampere" - meter; they will converge onto a
significant point and knot up or criss-cross into a networks of
words which will capture the meaning of your dream.
Most important:
Pursue exhaustively all that is associated with "8th house"
in the depths of your mind and link it up with these. Dhyana sadha
proceeds by distinct stages. I believe you have definitely got into
the first stage because you feel physically fit and mentally calm.
Other sign are: Less sweating,
panting and palpitation than before when you have to exert yourself
physically. Each stage gets stabilized and you stay put there for
sometime. Then, when once progress to the threshold of the next
stage, there is a total destabilization and one feels utterly lost
and "back to square one" nay, worse than that. So your
doubts and anxieties may also be a part of the travails of progress.
From your report I feel that you have what it takes to achieve
substantial progress in sadhana and that your observations about
yourself and others must be fairly accurate.
As Sri Aurobindo advises a sadhak, one must go by ones own
internal experiences and not trust explanations. I suggest that you
read Sri Aurobindos "Letters on Yoga" in volumes 15 and
16 of his Collected Works - particularly his observations about
dreams. Though the letters of disciples (for which some of the
observations are replies) are not included in these volumes you may
still find them helpful.
I will comment on your other two dreams which relate to your family
(brother) and personal life in the next issue. |
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