Elaborate Life Predictions |
What is Elaborate Life Predictions?
Life is a series of events that could be both
pleasant and painful. With the help of a few relevant facts, some
predictions about your life can be made. These predictions will
basically tell about the various phases of your coming life, your
chances of success in a particular field and countless other
significant things, which you have always wanted to know. |
What do we do for you ?
You just have to send us the required
information. Readings from a superb astrological software prepared
by a team of experts will provide you exact predictions about your
life. Suggestions are also offered about things which are to be
avoided or to be continued. The readings will tell you what is
beneficial to you. It will help you in planning your life in a much
more organised and informed manner. |
"Fore-warned is
Our nominal charge for the service is US
$95 per horoscope.
The Manager
Express Estates, Club House Rd.,
Mount Road, Chennai - 600002
Phone : +(91)-(44)-28460245 +(91)-(44)-28460245 / 28460517
E-mail :stars@starteller.com |