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What is a Horoscope?
A horoscope is a forecast of a person's future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of stars and planets at the time of his or her birth. A horoscope contains all the relevant information about you in a manner that can be correlated with your present and future state of affairs, based on the position of stars and naksahtras.
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What do we do for you ?
Your horoscope is read and interpreted by our learned astrologers. Just send your horoscope and if possible mention the problem that
you are facing. We would tell why you are into such a problem. Our astrologers would also suggest you certain remedies to avoid any mishappening in your life.
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"The best forecasts are not those that come true, but those that Warn, Teach and Prepare."
The Vedic Astrologer observes the placements of seven planets, namely, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. He also takes careful notice of two invisible planets, Rahu and Ketu. According to birth time, the rising sign was established and the planets take their proper placement within the horoscope. The destiny of the living entity is ascertained with amazing accuracy. By employing a unique system of planetary periods and sub periods, by observing the movement of the planets through the houses of the horoscope and various vargas (micro charts) the Vedic astrologer can predict the timing of events in anyone's life.
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  • In case you would NOT like to subscribe and would like to use this service, you may order for it online. It would cost you a fee of US $ 40.00. To order for this service, please see the ordering section.

Express Starteller
Since the nature of information relating to the Horoscope is specific to an individual, we offer you various services to suit your needs.

    "Fore warned is well equipped" You can now get your personalised horoscope for the entire year, helping you to plan your life in a much more organised manner. All you need to do is just fill out the simple form and mail it to us.

    Now you can avail of this opportunity of gettiing your Horoscope delivered at your doorstep every month, by subscribing "Express Starteller". Not only that, you can get your Horoscope and Life Predicitions FREE.

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