Here are some of the answers to
your "Marital Problems",
from our expert Vasireddy Sreenivasa Rao.
Send us your question
and technical doubts relating to your Marital Problems.
Q: How will be my married life?
A: Second half of the year 2001 could
be the eventful year. Lagna lord and 7th lord are together and nodes
are also involved in the combination. This is an indication that
Rahu’s entry into the sign Gemini (as 7th) will give you the
marital status. Both of you may try to exaggerate the trivial things
and get into unwanted arguments. Try to avoid these. |
Ms.Garima Saxena, Kanpur.
Q: When will I get married, and what will
be the profession of the boy?
A: Jupiter major and Saturn sub will give
you the marital status. Profession of the boy can be known only
after seeing his horoscope.
Mr. M.G.Rajasekhar,
Q: When will I get married and how will
be the married life?
A: Love affairs are indicated, though
love marriage may not take place. You can opt for an arranged marriage.
Lagna lord occupying the 7th aspects the 7th lord in the 11th, both
falling under Jupiter’s aspects. Hence married life will be
Mrs. Meena, Devi. Chennai.
Q: When will my husband be free from booze?
When will I be blessed with a child? How will be my married life?
A: Your husband’s dasa period is
good, but the dasa lord is afflicted by nodes. Find some way to
make him free from drinking habits. Otherwise he will become a nervous
wreck and may lose potency. Thus children may be delayed. In your
chart, 5th lord is in the 6th, a week point. 5th house is occupied
by Rahu. The next Jupiter’s transit into Gemini may bless
you with a Female child.
Sub.no:1126, Hassan
Q: Please discuss the prospects of marriage
of the girl?
A: 7th lord is in the 12th in Rasi Chart,
and is debilitataed in Navamsa, however in mutual aspects with lagna
loard. This is a case of delayed marriage after prolonged distress.
A compatible horoscope can be selected. The boy may have weight
problems. He may lose an inheritance or legacy. |
Mr.G.Balraju. Hyderabad
Q: When will I get married and to what type
of a girl?
A: Marriage may take place in the year
2002. The girl may easily get irritataed. She feels very, strong
about what she wants in life. She may not know the meaning of peaceful
living (Mars-Mercury combination).
Mr. Ganesh, Mumbai.
Q: When will I get married and to what type
of a girl?
A: The marriage may be delayed considerably.
Time is not favourabe for another five years. |
Ms. Smitha Srivastava,
Q: When will I get married and to what type
of a person?
A: The year 2001 seems to be the most
favourable. The boy will be methodical, practical and a deep-thinker.
He will never jump to hasty conclusions. |
Mr.Pandurang, Zaheerabad-Medak.
Q: I had a fabulous love affair with a lady
for the past three years. For unknown reasons, everything disappeared.
Please suggest some remedy?
A: The very presence of debilitated Venus
with Moon explains your fabulous character. Remedy is just forget
the past and seek new pastures, if you so wish... |
Mr. Ramesh Ragore,
Q: We are living separately. Will she come
back or shall I re-marry?
A: She may not be in a mood to come back
at least for another |
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