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Plan upto 2028
What is Plan upto 2028?
Next ten years are going to decide the future course of your life. They will mould your life and direct it to a certain path that you would be happy to follow up for the rest of your life. Whether you are a student, an entrepreneur, a topnotch corporate or a person heading towards retirement, the information could prove to be vital in planning the life accordingly.
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What do we do for you ?
We will predict the incidents that are likely to take place in your life in the next ten years. You just have to send us some information regarding your date of birth and time of birth etc. The computerised readings will give nearly exact predictions about your life in the next ten years. Send in your order and we will send out your future analysis.
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What does Dame Fortune have in store for you? Find out from the 10 year predictions given by EST. All it takes is US $85.00

So, send in your order and we will send out your future !

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2010 Forecast
In India:

The Manager
Express Estates, Club House Rd.,
Mount Road, Chennai - 600002

Phone : +(91)-(44)-28460245
+(91)-(44)-28460245 / 28460517

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